中国清洁煤发展促进基金可行性研究报告 (2).doc

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1、中国清洁煤发展促进基金可行性研究报告China Clean Coal Development Promotion Fund Feasibility Study提交给:联合国开发计划署(UNDP)Submitted to: United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 提交单位:中国国际跨国公司研究会(CIIMC)Submitted by: China International Institute of Multinational Corporations (CIIMC)日期:2008年10月15日Data:October 15, 2008目录1.清洁煤产

2、业基金设立背景41.1 清洁煤产业发展必要性41.2.1经济的可持续发展需要发展清洁煤产业41.2.2环境污染控制需要发展清洁煤产业41.2.3 应对气候变化需要发展清洁煤产业61.2 国内清洁煤产业发展现状71.2.1. 煤炭加工71.2.2. 洁净燃煤与发电91.2.3. 煤转化101.2.4. 污染物治理及资源综合利用111.3 国外清洁煤产业发展现状141.3.1 美国清洁煤产业现状141.3.2 日本清洁煤产业现状151.3.3 欧盟清洁煤产业现状161.3.4 南非清洁煤产业现状161.3.5 其他171.4 国内产业基金发展现状171.5 国外产业基金发展现状181.5.1 美国

3、产业基金的发展181.5.2 澳大利亚产业基金的发展202 清洁煤产业基金设立的必要性202.1 现有融资渠道分析202.2 现有清洁煤投资项目资金来源212.2.1 神华煤直接液化项目212.2.2 内蒙古伊泰煤制油项目212.2.3 兖矿榆林煤制油项目222.2.4 其他项目222.3清洁煤产业基金增加融资渠道223 清洁煤产业基金设立的可行性233.1 清洁煤有巨大的发展空间233.1.1 洗选233.1.2 煤发电243.1.3 煤制油243.1.4 煤制甲醇253.1.5 煤矸石综合利用263.1.6 粉煤灰综合利用263.2 国家政策支持清洁煤产业发展283.2.1行业政策283.

4、2.2 科技政策303.2.3 财税政策313.3 基金资金渠道多样323.3.1政府323.3.2企业323.3.3国外项目支援323.3.4社会团体323.3.5 项目收益324基金方案设计324.1 投资原则324.2 投资决策334.2.1决策依据334.2.2决策程序334.2.3投资组合344.3 目标细分市场领域344.3.1 投资地域344.3.2 投资阶段344.3.3 投资行业344.4 投资后管理与服务354.5 基金方案354.5.1 基金规模354.5.2 最小投资额354.5.3 基金募集期354.5.4 基金目标354.5.5 投资回报目标364.5.6 基金期限

5、364.5.7 投资限制364.5.8 启动费用374.5.9 管理费用374.5.10 利润分配374.6 基金风险管理374.6.1基金面临的主要风险374.6.2风险的管理与控制384.7 基金发起人及管理团队394.7.1 发起人简介394.7.2 管理团队391.清洁煤产业基金设立背景1 Background for the Establishment of Clean Coal Industry Fund1.1 发展清洁煤产业必要性1.1 Necessity for of developingthe Development of Clean Coal Industry1.2.1中国

6、经济的持续发展需要清洁煤产业1.1.1 Chinas Sustainable Sustained Economic Development Requires the Development of Clean Coal Industry 进入二十一世纪以来,中国经济的发展带动着能源的高速发展。从2000年到2007年,中国GDP平均增长速度为9.2%,能源消耗平均增长速度为8.5%,其中70%以上的一次性能源供给来自煤炭,到2007年,中国煤炭消耗量为25.8亿吨(见表1)。根据国家中国?国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划,十一五期间,中国GDP平均增长速度为7.5%,煤炭的消耗将继续保持高速增

7、长。然而,煤炭属于不可再生能源,其储存量是有限的。煤炭产业的可持续发展,亟待提高煤炭的资源利用率,为此,需要大力促进清洁煤产业的发展。 Since the twenty-first century, Chinas economic development has brought along the rapid development of energy resources. From 2000 to 2007, Chinas GDP growth rate averages averaged 9.2 percent, the energy consumption growth rate 8.5

8、 percent, of which more than 70 percent % of primary energy supply comes from were coal. By 2007, Chinas coal consumption has reachedamounted to 2,.580,000,000 billion tons (See Table 1). According to “The 11th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development”, during the11th Five-Year Pl

9、an period, Chinas average GDP growth rate is expected to be 7.5 percent, and coal consumption will continue to maintain rapid growth speed. However, for coal is non-renewable energy, and its storage capacity whose reserves isare limited., Sustainable development of the coal industry needs to improve

10、 the utilization rate of coal resources urgently needs to be enhanced for sustainable development of the coal industry. Therefore, great efforts have to should be made to promote clean coal industry.Table 1: 2000 2007 Chinese Chinas GDP, coal consumption and coal storagereserves表1:20002007年中国GDP、煤炭消

11、耗量和煤炭存储量能否补齐数据年份GDP煤炭消耗煤炭储存亿元增长(%)亿吨增长(%)亿吨储/采比200089404 8200195933 7.311.110.92002102398 82003116694 9.115.7913.62004136515 9.518.714.41145592005182321 9.921.410.61145522006209407 10.723.79.61145482007246619 11.425.87.9114545注:GDP和煤炭消耗数量来源于国家统计局,煤炭存储量来源于世界能源数据。YearGDPCoal ConsumptionCoal ReservesSt

12、oragehundred million YuanGrowth(%) hundred million tonsGrowth(%)hundred million tonsReserve/Exploitation Production Ratio200089404 8200195933 7.311.110.92002102398 82003116694 9.115.7913.62004136515 9.518.714.41145592005182321 9.921.410.61145522006209407 10.723.79.61145482007246619 11.425.87.9114545

13、Note: Date of GDP and coal consumption amount data are from the National Bureau of Statistics, coal storage reserves data from the worlds energy data.1.2.2中国环境改善需要清洁煤产业1.1.2 Chinas Environmental Pollution ControlImprovement Needs the Development of Clean Coal Industry 20世纪80年代中期以后,随着我国电力建设的迅速发展,煤炭等化

14、石燃料燃烧导致大量的SOX、NOX等气体的排放,造成了大气污染严重。根据国家环保总局的数据(表2)具体到哪一个统计年鉴?!,从2000年到2007年全国二氧化硫排放量增加593.7万吨,增长速度为29.7%,从2000年到2006年,工业排放增加量625.1万吨,增长速度为38.8%。从表上还可以看出近几年工业排放量所占比例逐年提高。After the mid-1980s, with the rapid development of Chinas power construction, combustion of fossil fuels such as coal leads to great

15、 amount of SOX、NOX, and other gas emissions, causing serious air pollution. According to data from the State Environmental Protection Administration data (Table 2), from 2000 to 2007, the national sulfur dioxide emission amount has increased by 5,.937,000 million tons, with a growth rate of 29.7 per

16、cent. From 2000 to 2006, sulfur dioxide industrial emission amount from industry has increased by 6,.251 million ,000 tons, with a growth rate of 38.8 percent. From the table below, i Ast can be seen from the table below that the proportion of industrial emissions increased year by year.Table 2: 200

17、0-2007 Chinasnational SO2 total emission amount of SO2 and industrial SO2 emission situation表2:2000-2007年全国SO2排放总量和工业SO2排放情况年份SO2排放总量工业SO2排放总量工业排放比例万吨万吨%20001995.11612.580.8 20011947.2156680.4 20021926.6156281.1 20032158.51791.683.0 20042254.91891.483.9 20052549.42168.485.1 20062588.82237.686.420072

18、468.1注:数据来源于国家环保总局YearSO2 Total Emission AmountIndustrial SO2 Total Emission AmountIndustrial Emission Rate Ten thousand tonsTen thousand tons %20001995.11612.580.8 20011947.2156680.4 20021926.6156281.1 20032158.51791.683.0 20042254.91891.483.9 20052549.42168.485.1 20062588.82237.686.420072468.1Note

19、: Data are from the State Environmental Protection Administration;.二氧化硫的排放直接导致“酸雨”的形成。目前,我国酸雨区占国土面积的30%,主要集中在长江以南,四川省、云南省以东的区域,包括浙江省、江西省、湖南省、福建省、重庆市的大部分地区以及长三角和珠三角地区,见图1:全国降水pH年均等值线图。此外,根据2007年国家环境公报,酸雨发生频率比较高。在500个监测的城市(县)中,出现酸雨的城市281个,占56.2%;酸雨发生频率在25%以上的城市171个,占34.2%;酸雨发生频率75%以上的城市65个,占13.0%。SO2

20、emission directly leads to the formation of causes “acid rain”. At present, Chinas acid rain-plagued area covers accounted for 30% percent of the country,national territory, mainly in the area south of the Yangtze River and, east region of Sichuan Province and Yunnan Province, including most partsmu

21、ch of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian Province, Chongqing Municipality, as well as in the long - Triangle Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta region, see Figure 1: National precipitation pH average annual contour isoline map. In addition, according to the “2007 National Environmental Bull

22、etin”, the acid rain frequency of acid rain is much relatively higher. In Among the 500 monitored cities (counties) under monitoring, about 281 cities, or 56.2 percent of the total, had acid rain, accounting for 56.2 percent; 171 cities had the frequencyy of acid rain is higher higher than 25%, perc

23、ent, accounting for 34.2 percent; 65 citiesones had acid rain frequency higher than 75 percent, accounting for 13.0 percent%, accounting for 13.0%.图1:2007年全国降水pH年均等值线图Figure 1: National precipitation pH average annual contour isoline map in 2007在NOx 排放方面,排放量也在逐年增加。在1999年2004年的六年中,火电厂NOx 排放总量增加了235.

24、7万吨。2004年全国NOX气体的排放总量为665.7万吨。In the aspect The emission of NOx, the emission amount is also witnesses a year-by-year increaseing year by year. From 1999 to 2004, the the power plant NOx emission from the power plant has increased by 2,.357,000 million tons. The countrys In 2004, NOx total emission

25、of NOx amount reached 6,.657 million,000 tons in 2004. 综上,中国的煤炭燃烧已经造成严重的环境污染,国家非常重视对二氧化硫及氮氧化物排放总量及增长趋势的控制,在国家酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治“十一五”规划中,明确提出将以燃煤电厂脱硫工程为主的工业二氧化硫治理工程为工作重点之一。发展清洁煤产业可以更好的控制二氧化硫和氮氧化物等排放所引起的污染。To sum upIn conclusion, Chinas coal burning has caused serious environmental pollution. , and tThe stat

26、e attaches great importance to control SO2 and NOx the total emission amount and increase trend of SO2 and NOx. In “The 11th Five-Year Plan forof National Acid Rain and Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Control”, it is clearly pointed out that industrial SO2 pollution treatment control project based on coal-

27、fired power plant desulfurization of coal-fired power plant should be among one of the top priorities. The development of clean coal industry can allows much morebetter control over the pollution caused by SO2 and NOx emission.1.2.3 应对气候变化需要发展清洁煤产业1.1.3 Addressing Climate Change NCalls foreeds the D

28、evelopment of Clean Coal Industry二氧化碳作为最主要的一种温室气体(占排放总量的80%以上)主要来源于煤炭等化石燃料的燃烧,与能源的生产与利用密切相关。自工业化时代以来,由于人类活动已引起全球温室气体排放增加,其中大气层中二氧化碳的含量在1970年至2004年期间增加了70%。Carbon dioxide, As a major greenhouse gas , Carbon dioxide (accounting for more than 80% percent of the emitted greenhouse gasemissions) comes co

29、ming mainly from combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, and is closely related to energy production and use. Since the industrialization times age, as a result of human activity, had caused an increase of global greenhouse gas emission has increased, of whichwith a rise of 70 percent in the carbon

30、 dioxide content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1970-2004 increased by 70%from 1970-2004.为了应对和减缓气候变化,1992年在巴西里约热内卢举行的联合国环境与发展大会上,150多个国家共同制定了联合国气候变化框架公约。1997年又签署了京都议定书,京都议定书规定附件B中的38个发达国家必须履行温室气体减排义务,在2008-2012年间将该国溫室气体排放量降至1990年水平再減5.2%。In order to respond to and mitigate climate change,

31、“United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” was formulated by more than 150 countries on the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. In 1997, “Kyoto Protocol” was sighed, which stipulated in Appendix B that 38 developed countries

32、in Appendix B must fulfill their obligations of reducing greenhouse gas emission reduction obligations. During 2008-2012, the country greenhouse gas emission reduces to the level of 1990, with another reduction of 5.2%.虽然在京都议定书中中国不履行减排义务,但2007年中国二氧化碳的排放量已经达到27亿吨,位居世界第二,仅次于美国28亿吨。由于中国经济发展速度较快,二氧化碳排放量

33、的增速也快,十五期间中国的二氧化碳排放总量每年以4%的速度增加,有专家预测在2010年后中国的二氧化碳排放量将会超过美国而位居世界第一。Although in the “Kyoto Protocol”, China does not fulfill the obligation ofmakes no commitments to cutting carbon emission reductions according to Kyoto Protocol, but . With 2.7 billion tons emission in 2007, however, it has become t

34、he worlds second largest carbon dioxide emitterin 2007 Chinas carbon dioxide emission had reached 2,700,000,000 tons, ranking second in the world after the, only to United States with 2,.800,000,000 billion tons. As Chinass economy develops fast, and so does its carbon dioxide emission grows quickly

35、, , presenting an annual growth rate of 4 percent duringin the 10th Five-Year Plan period, Chinas carbon dioxide emission increases at the rate of 4 percent each year. Some experts have predicted that by 2010 Chinas carbon dioxide emission will exceed overtake the U.S. as the and be the highestlarge

36、st emitter in the world by 2010.根据2007年底达成的巴厘岛路线图,所有国家都负有“共同而有区别的责任”,即发达国家将承担起量化减排责任,而包括中国在内的发展中国家虽然不必承诺量化减排,但也要积极采取措施控制排放量的增加乃至减排。According toBased on “Bali road map” passed at the end of 2007, all countries have “common but differentiated responsibilities”, that is, developed countries should be r

37、esponsiblemeet their responsbilities to reduce for quantified emission reduction, and developing countries with no reduction commitment, including China, do not have to promise quantified emission reduction, but they should also take active measures to control emission increase as well as theand eve

38、n to reduce emission.面对国际气候变化的谈判压力,中国已经开始积极采取措施应对气候变化。2007年6月国家发改委发布了中国应对气候变化国家方案,确定能源生产和转化领域为减排温室气体的重点领域之一,强化清洁、低碳能源开发和利用的鼓励政策,加强煤的清洁高效开发和利用技术。同月科技部联合国家发改委、外交部等发布了中国应对气候变化科技专项行动,在技术开发上提出煤的清洁高效开发利用技术,二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存技术等。发展清洁煤产业将会有力促进中国的二氧化碳减排。Under the pressure of the international climate change negoti

39、ations, China has begun to taking e positive measures to handle address climate change. In June 2007, National Development and Reform Commission issued the “China National Plan for Coping with Climate Change Program”, which set identifed the area of energy production and conversion as one of key are

40、as offor reducing greenhouse gas emissions as one of the top priority areas, by strengtheneding the policyincentives devised for of exploitation and utilization of clean, low-carbon energy, and enhanceding technology of clean and efficient exploitation and utilization of coalefficient exploitation a

41、nd utilization of clean coal technology. In tThe same month, Ministry of Science and Technology, on the United Nations Development and Reform Commission, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly issued issued China Initiates a Special Sci-Tech Campaign to Cope with Climate Changes“Chinas Scientific a

42、nd Technological Actions on Climate Change”, which put forward the efficient technology of clean and efficient exploitation and utilization of coal, carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage technology in terms of technology development . The development of clean coal industry in China will gr

43、eatly promote the effective reduction of carbon dioxideemission reduction.1.2 国内清洁煤产业发展现状1.2 Domestic Clean Coal Industry Development Status of Chinas Clean Coal Industry 洁净煤技术(也叫洁净煤技术)是指在煤炭开发和加工利用全过程中,旨在减少污染与提高利用效率而加工、燃烧、转换及污染控制等技术的总称,是使煤作为一种能源达到最大限度潜能的利用而释放的污染应控制的最低水平。Clean coal technology refers

44、to the entire is a general term for technology,ies of such as processing, combustion, conversion and pollution control, for reducing pollution and improving enhencing the utilization efficiency of utilization in the process of coal exploitation and processing. It is to achieve the maximum potential

45、use of coal energy with the minimum release of pollution. 目前,我国洁净煤技术开发、应用、推广方面有显著的进展。主要表现在:At present, significant progress has been made in the development, application, and promotion of clean coal technology, which mainly embodies in the following aspects has achieved significant progress. For ins

46、tance: l 煤炭的深加工有所进步,煤炭入洗比重逐年提高;l 工业型煤和水煤浆技术开发和应用开始起步,已有示范性项目投入使用;l 煤炭气化技术已比较成熟,煤气已成为城市民用燃料的重要组成部分;l 正在进行煤炭液化的性能和工艺条件试验,以及煤炭液化商业性示范厂的可行性研究。l dDeep coal processing of coal has been improved, and the proportion of coal washing increased year by year; l coal industryInitial efforts have been made in the development and application of industrial briquette and coal-water slurry technology appears, with pilot projects have having been put into use; l coal Coal gasification tec


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