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1、摘 要洋口港位于江苏省南通市如东县海域。自上世纪80年代初发现具备建港条件以来,经过近20年的前期工作,被确认是江苏唯一可建1020万吨级深水大港的理想港址,充分利用洋口港这一不可多得的深水资源,在漫长的苏北海岸线上开辟一条内联外引、通江达海的新通道,对于加快江苏海洋经济、外向型经济的跨越式发展,提升江苏综合经济实力、推动长江三角洲特别是苏中、苏北区域经济的快速发展具有十分重要的战略意义。随着我国加入WTO,沿海港口将融入全球经济的第一线,在对外高度开放的发展环境中的窗口作用更加明显。江苏是全国的一个重要海洋省份,而长期以来,沿海资源包括沿海港口长期未得到充分开发,江苏要发展及江苏沿海的发展,







8、也有利于江苏参与上海国际航运中心的建设,在技术上是可行的,在经济上是合理的,市场是需求的,具有可开发性。关键词:港口开发可行性 研究AbstractLocated in the maritime domain of Rudong County, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, Yangkou Port, since the watercourse here was diacovered in the early 1980s, has been regarded as the only ideal port site, where a mega-port of 1

9、00200 thousand tons could be built by nearly 20 years preparation work. With the precious deepwater resource, the channel could play an important role to link up the Yangtze River and the Yellow Sea. It is an all-important strategy to speed up the ocean economics of Jiangsu, to develop the foreign-o

10、riented economics at a great pace, and to promote the economic development in the area of Yangtze Delta, especially in the central parts of Jiangsu and North Jiangsu. With Chinas entering into WTO, coastal port will merge into the front line of the global economy, and perform an important function o

11、f the showcase to open to the outside world. Jiangsu is the leading province of maritime economic. For quite a long time, and the coastal resource, including coastal port has not been fully-developed. To develop the Jiangsu economy, what we should do is to develop ocean economy, at that time we can

12、complete the transformation in the mode of economic growth, and realize the adjustment and upgrade of the economic structure, participate in the international division of labor to a great extent and merge the area economic into globalization. At present, there is no deepwater seaport in Jiangsu, whi

13、ch doesnt come into line with its status of opening to the outside world. There are lots factors restricting the costal port development in Jiangsu, such as the water depth insufficient for transport and limited headroom as well as density stationing and similar port structure. The port industry now

14、 faces two challenges: Firstly, meeting cut-throat competition from external international terminal port and the expansion of the foreign port & shipping industry, and secondly, facing market competition from internal port traffic in addition to the port development in certain area of our province c

15、ant meet the requirements of modernized development. Without the support of deepwater port in Jiangsu, it is impossible for Jiangsu to list as outstanding province. Jiangsu should construct its own launching-out mage path, and its own deepwater port. The conformity of Jiangsu port economy is imperat

16、ive under the situation, which offers the opportunity for development of Yangkou port. As the only deepwater resource, which have not yet been developed, in central part of the coast in China. The development and construction of Yangkou Port makes the “Golden Channel” of the Yangtze River extend to

17、the “Golden Coast” with its connection point of linking up the River and the Sea. The longest launching-out and landing passage will thus come into being, which lays the firm foundation for the new round development of ocean marine economy in Jiangsu. The development and construction of Yangkou Port

18、 is the extension and the promotion of the economy along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu. The two economic belt will be formed with the linkage of the River and the Sea, which will speed up economy in Jiangsu to merge into the international economic system, and speed up the pace of international divisi

19、on of labor, and enable the East Jiangsu to become an important growth pole in economic development, and bring along the effective amplification in the gross economy of Jiangsu, and thus form the status of amalgamation of the River and the Sea, and impulse the integral development both in north and

20、south Jiangsu and ensure Jiangsu ranking in outstanding status all over the country. The requirements of the port layout in the Yangtze River Delta and the instant development of market demand will offer a great environment for the development of Yangkou. The superiority of Yangkou Port in the river

21、-sea linkage will probably become the key factor of port adjustment in the area of Yangtze River. With the development of Yangkou Port, the combination of deepwater resource and the golden channel of Yangtze River will form the outside manufacture of river port and seaport with the aid of government

22、 to expand river-sea through transport. Thus, under the unified planning operational precondition, it gives not only the superiority in the ability to dock giant ship but also superiority over wide Changjiang Rivers natural navigable waterway and linking to inland areas. The river channel could meet

23、 the needs of transport demand in expanding the hinterland in portside area. In this complementation, the ports along Yangtze River could develop their respective relative potency. The development of Yangkou Port will be helpful for the port development of Jiangsu to participate in the competition a

24、nd cooperation of the port in the Yangtze River Delta and participate in the construction of Shanghai international shipping center. Yangkou port has the relative advantage which not only has created environment to develop itself but also brought lots of business opportunity for other ports on the b

25、asis of port resource conformity in Jiangsu. Yangkou Port will promote the development of ports in Jiangsu. The unfavorable condition of international transcontainer port requires the Yangtze River Delta to speed up the development of deepwater port. The layout of “one center with two flanks” by tak

26、ing Yangkou port as its head, combined with Yangshan Port and Ningbo Port as its supports, would be beneficial for shanghai, the international shipping center, to participate in international competition.Located in Lanshayang Channel with natural water depth of 17 to 30 meters, Yangkou Port possesse

27、s the basic condition to construct deepwater port with straight watercourse covered by natural bar along each side. It could meet the needs of the port of 100 thousand ton without dredging up and meet the requirements of the port of 200 ton only with only partly dredging up. The extensive shallows-t

28、idal-flat area is now enclosing for constructing transshipment and portside industrial zone. Yangkou port also possesses the following several unique superiorities: First, Yangkou Port, by the Yellow Sea and near the Yangtze River, is situated in the north flank of the Yangtze River Delta, 55 sea mi

29、les to the Yangtze River Estuary and about 100 kilometers from Shanghai, and is the combination of river port and seaport, and is the rare estuary resource in Chinas coastal harbor; second, Yangkou Port lies in the “Golden Coast” and “Golden Passage” along the Yangtze River, and in the interjunction

30、 of the T-shaped economic belt, and in the radiation scope of shanghai economic circle; third, the distribution network has been primarily formed, Yangkou Port will play an important role of Water-railway Through Transport, Water-Land Through Transport and also River-sea Through Transport. Geographi

31、cal superiority and convenient transportation network has become the crucial factors for Yangkou Port to construct international terminal port in Jiangsu. In respect of development and construction of Yangkou Port, we insist on the principle of “Focusing on Science, Unified Planning,Government Impul

32、sion, Market Orientation, and Operation of Business” with the overall planning of “High Starting Point Layout, Multiplestep Implementation, Project Starting-up and Overall Impulsion”. The management system will be in different mode with different project selection. Taking the human capital as the mo

33、st important resource, we will offer the most preferential policies to the one who intends to invest here, and endeavor long-term economic and social benefits at the very end. All in all, the development of Yangkou Port is beneficial to the development of maritime economy both in North Jiangsu and i

34、n the Central Part of Jiangsu, and beneficial to jointly development strategy of area economy in Jiangsu, and for Jiangsu to participate in the construction of Shanghai international shipping center. It is a technically feasible project and is reasonable and necessary in economic state. It is in goo

35、d demand in the market and it is also developable.Key words: Port Development Feasibility Study目 录前 言1第一章 开发建设洋口深水海港的必要性3一、海洋经济的发展需要洋口深水海港的出现3二、江海联动战略的实现需要洋口深水海港的支撑5三、“国际航运中心”的完善需要洋口深水海港的补充9第二章 开发建设洋口深水海港的可能性12一、洋口港开发的基础条件具备12二、洋口港开发的经济效益理想14三、洋口港开发的环境评价良好17第三章 开发建设洋口深水海港的思路、目标、步骤和投资方式18一、思路18二、目标18

36、三、步骤20四、投资方式24第四章 开发建设洋口深水海港的策略28一、开发建设洋口深水海港的组织领导28二、开发建设洋口深水海港的技术选择30三、开发建设洋口深水海港的人力资本运作31四、开发建设洋口深水海港的政策优惠33结 论35主要参考文献36后 记3737前 言洋口港位于江苏岸外辐射沙洲区的南通市如东县海域。江苏海岸外自然条件近20年的研究成果表明,古长江三万年前自东台县境内入海,辐射沙洲区是古长江入海的三角洲,近1万年来由于海平面上升而淹没在水下。在潮波系统的作用下,由辐聚的涨潮流与辐散的落潮流冲刷,形成辐射状的沙脊群与脊间深槽,在辐射沙洲中分布有70多条潮汐通道,其中有3条主要通道是




40、于加快江苏海洋经济、外向型经济的跨越式发展,提升江苏综合经济实力、推动长江三角洲特别是苏中、苏北区域经济的快速发展具有十分重要的战略意义。第一章 开发建设洋口深水海港的必要性一、海洋经济的发展需要洋口深水海港的出现21世纪是海洋的世纪。许多沿海国家和地区都把开发海洋资源、建设海港、发展海洋经济,作为促进经济社会持续发展的一项重大战略。海洋经济是外向型的经济,是通过海洋走向世界市场的全球化的经济。它是通过发展海港、海运事业,发展临港工业、扩大海外贸易,促进地区经济的整体高速的发展。综观美、英、日等发达国家的历史,韩国、台湾、香港、新加坡等地区的经历,以及我国80年代改革开放以来沿海对外开放城市的









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