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1、identity? Only time will tell.STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTSWhat is standard English? Is it spoken in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. Many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard Englis

2、h. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect. A

3、merican English has many dialects, especially the Midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. Even in some parts of the USA, two people from neighbouring towns speak a little differently. American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world. Geograp

4、hy also plays a part in making dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost th

5、e same dialects as people in the northwestern USA. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects.THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARYYou may think that English dictionaries have been used

6、for many, many centuries. The spelling of English has always been a problem but it was more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. Then people could spell word in different ways which you might find it interesting. But it made reading English much more difficult. So dictionaries were invented

7、 to encourage everybody to spell the same. In fact, an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasnt made until the time of the late Qing Dynasty. There men did most of the important early work on dictionaries: Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster, and James Murray. These men spent nearly all of thei

8、r lives trying to collect words for their dictionaries. For them, it wasnt only a job; it was a wonderful journey of discovery. The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short. The idea for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857. Twen

9、ty-two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor of its new dictionary. Murray had never been to college. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank. Later he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job

10、, Murray had a place built in the garden behind his house to do his work. Part of it was one meter underground. In winter it felt like a barn, he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and worked several hours before break

11、fast. Often he would work by the candle light into the evening. Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was still adding words for the letter A! then others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. He worked on the dictionary until he was very o

12、ld. Forty-four years later, in1928, other editors finished it. It included more than 15,000 pages in twelve books. And you thought your dictionary was big!Unit 3JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONGPART 1 THE DREAM AND THE PLANMy name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed ab

13、out taking a great bike trip. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of

14、 the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. After graduating from college.we finally got the chance to take a bike trip. I asked my sister, Where are we going? It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekon

15、g River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip. I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now, I kn

16、ow that the proper way is always her way. I kept asking her, When are we leaving and when are we coming back? I asked her whether she had looked at a map yet. Of course, she hadnt; my sister doesnt care about details. So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me a

17、determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she seemed to be excited about it. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting e

18、xperience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in. Several months before our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the library. We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography. From the atlas we could see that the Mek

19、ong River begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain. At first the river is small and the water is clear and cold. Then it begins to move quickly. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province. Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide va

20、lleys. We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China. After it leaves China and the high altitude,the Mekong becomes wide,brown and warm. As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows. It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. At last, the

21、 river delta enters the South China Sea.PART2 A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINSAlthough it was autumn,the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet.Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles?Thats what we looked like! Along the way children dr

22、essed in long wool coats stopped to look at us.In the late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze.However,the lakes shonelike glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful.Wangwei rode in front of me as usual.She is very reliable and I knew I didnt need to encourage her. To c

23、limb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles.2009年湖北省恩施州鹤峰县1000亩优质茶叶示范基地新建项目可行性研究报告第一章 总 论1.1 项目单位基本情况1.1.1 概况项目单位名称:鹤峰县茶园茶叶专业合作社鹤峰县茶园茶叶专业合作社组建成立于2006年,根据中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法规定,于2007年8月正式登记注册,现有注册资本金240万元,现有社员518户,其中:农民占


25、合作社现有管理人员及员工26人,其中:大专文化2人,高中以上文化20人,有 高级经营师1人,高级会计师1人,评茶师1人,政工师1人。1.1.2 财务状况茶园茶叶专业合作社截止2008年末,资产总额为487万元,其中:固定资产274万元,流动资产212万元,负债总额为247万元,资产负债率50.7%,净资产为240万元。2008年实现销售收入509万元,净利润20万元,销售利润率3.92%。1.1.3 法定代表人基本情况法定代表人邱德志,现年29岁,大专文化,中共党员,恩施州青年联合会委员,2008年荣获第二届“湖北省新农村建设百业青年标兵”称号。该同志曾在国家级农业产业化龙头企业从事管理工作多

26、年,有一定的经营管理能力,本着诚信、务实、创新、自强的经营理念为民办实事、求发展。经营中遵纪守法,无破产,无信贷欠资等不良记录。1.2 项目建设方案1.2.1 项目名称及建设地点项目名称:2009年湖北省恩施州鹤峰县1000亩优质茶叶示范基地新建项目。项目地点:鹤峰县中营乡茶园村、白鹿村、金竹园村三个村。建设性质:农业种植1.2.2 建设规模及产品方案建设规模:在茶园村建标准化茶叶示范基地1000亩,同时辐射周边村发展茶叶面积3000亩。产品方案:引进优良品种(福鼎大白、平阳特早)实行标准化种植,实现年采优质鲜叶220吨,加工名优茶55吨。1.2.3 技术、设备、建筑物技术:基地建设地的茶农有

27、丰富的茶叶栽培、管理经验,在项目实施中茶叶种植、加工技术主要依托鹤峰县茶叶局技术人员进行培训、指导,茶园管理技术主要依托鹤峰县植保站进行培训指导。加上本专业合作社内有从事茶叶种植加工几十年的高级经营师和评茶师及一批专业技术人员,拥有较强的技术力量,对项目实施提供了技术保障。项目建设期:1年,即2009年8月至2010年4月。1.3 投资结构及资金来源投资结构:项目总投资265万元,其中:示范茶园基地建设250万元,流动资金15万元。资金来源:上述资金以争取各级财政补助扶持和企业自筹解决。其中:申请中央财政补助资金50万元,占总投资额的18.86%,地方财政配套资金25万元,占总投资的9.44%

28、,企业自筹190万元,占总投资额71.7%。1.4 项目效益经济效益:项目建设地由于国土资源丰富,气候、环境等条件优良,加上茶叶品种改良,项目建成后每年可达到产量55吨(干品),可实现销售收入350万元,年均产品生产成本243万元,可实现利润107万元。通过项目实施,基地农户每年可增加收入300万元,人平增收1800多元,辐射周边农户可增收100万元。同时可安置150人就业,年人平工资收入可达4500元左右,经济效益明显。生态效益:鹤峰是山区县,全县森林覆盖面达75%以上,由于有独特的自然环境和条件,茶叶生长良好,是湖北省产茶大县,适宜茶叶种植的面积广,发展潜力大,建设标准示范茶园基地不仅可以

29、为农民增收,重要的是能通过发展茶叶改变生态环境,保土保肥,保护生态平衡,生态效益显著。社会效益:项目建成后,将直接带动项目建设地600户农民,1600多农民直接受益,年人平增收1800元,辐射周边300多农户通过茶叶发展,每年增加收入100万元。同时可安置150人就业,年人平工资收入可达4500元以上。通过项目实施,对调整农业产业结构,缓解地方就业矛盾,增加农民收入,维护社会稳定,促进社会主义新农村建设起积极作用,产生显著的社会效益。1.5 可行性研究报告编制依据本报告依据以下文件进行编制:1、中华人民共和国农业专业合作社法。2、农业部农财发200775号文件农业部关于印发2007年财政项目指


31、、项目结合当地的地理、环境、气候等条件优势,确定以专业合作社+基地+农户+市场的模式,以农民为主体,建设示范茶叶基地,形成产、加、销一体化的农民专业经济实体,起到农村经济发展的带动和拉动作用。1.6 综合评价我们对本项目具备的有利条件和可能出现的不利因素进行了认真客观的分析,了解和论证,为项目的实施提供了合理真实的依据,为投资部门提供了真实客观的建议和参考。我们认为该项目的实施符合国家产业发展政策,有适合茶叶生长的地理、环境、气候条件优势,有较强的技术保障,有广阔的国际国内市场,有利于调整山区产业结构,项目实施可产生显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,为农民增收致富起积极作用。鹤峰县是国家农业

32、综合开发项目县之一,是湖北省重点扶持县,通过项目实施可将资源优势转化为经济优势,形成优势产业,促进新农村建设和产业化发展,符合国家农业综合开发和组建完善农民专业合作社发展的方向要求,项目建设条件成熟,项目建设是可行的。29identity? Only time will tell.STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTSWhat is standard English? Is it spoken in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? Believe it or not, there is n

33、o such thing as standard English. Many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people

34、 speak. When people use words and expressions different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect. American English has many dialects, especially the Midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. Even in some parts of the USA, two people from neighbouring towns speak a litt

35、le differently. American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another

36、, they took their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialects as people in the northwestern USA. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and under

37、stand each others dialects.THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARYYou may think that English dictionaries have been used for many, many centuries. The spelling of English has always been a problem but it was more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. Then people could spell word in different ways whic

38、h you might find it interesting. But it made reading English much more difficult. So dictionaries were invented to encourage everybody to spell the same. In fact, an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasnt made until the time of the late Qing Dynasty. There men did most of the important

39、 early work on dictionaries: Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster, and James Murray. These men spent nearly all of their lives trying to collect words for their dictionaries. For them, it wasnt only a job; it was a wonderful journey of discovery. The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dic

40、tionary, or OED for short. The idea for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857. Twenty-two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor of its new dictionary. Murray had never been to college. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scot

41、land and taught himself while working in a bank. Later he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job, Murray had a place built in the garden behind his house to do his work. Part of it was one meter underground. In winter it felt like a barn, he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet i

42、n a box to keep warm. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and worked several hours before breakfast. Often he would work by the candle light into the evening. Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was still adding words for the letter A! the

43、n others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. He worked on the dictionary until he was very old. Forty-four years later, in1928, other editors finished it. It included more than 15,000 pages in twelve books. And you thought your dictionary was big!Unit 3JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONGPART

44、1 THE DREAM AND THE PLANMy name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their coll

45、ege in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. After graduating from college.we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.

46、 I asked my sister, Where are we going? It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip. I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. Althoug

47、h she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now, I know that the proper way is always her way. I kept asking her, When are we leaving and when are we coming back? I asked her whether she had looked at a map yet. Of course, she hadnt; my siste

48、r doesnt care about details. So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she seemed to be excited about it. Wh

49、en I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in. Several months before our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the library. We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography. From the


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