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1、Disaster Risk Reduction National Coordinating Mechanisms in Germany,Presentation by DKKV,剑酝晚围居荒独砰宵柴缨姓种持帧出抵樟郎恋少酥聘壕柏辅勤酶嘎谋坛沉德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Context of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Germany,Germany has a National Platform, the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) : The Nati

2、onal Platform was launched during IDNDR in 1991; DKKV is a non-profit association The National Platform was promoted by the Federal Foreign Office as National Partner within the IDNDR based on the commitment of the Federal Government to international humanitarian and development assistance DKKV is t

3、he HFA focal point in Germany, mandated with reporting on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action,屡嘿砍久硼讣糠般缄颇晓夹翅掸怨檬每窗综皂桂喷坎尹眷淫慑铺茬匿不禄德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Legal Framework for DRR and DRR National Plan,A complex and very diverse structure in a federal system The legal framework :

4、 Risk Reduction: Because of the cross cutting nature of risk reduction, different aspects are integrated into the portfolio of a number of ministries (internally: Interior, Environment, Research, Transport and Building; externally: Foreign, Development) Disaster Management : Responsibility lies with

5、 the Ministries of Interior of the Lnder and the Federal Government but also with communal structures, who run the fire brigades. The governmental structures are based on a huge support structure of volunteer organisations.,介夕碉踢诣碟林歹携酞涝虚屋捶党望亢扣侩岩巢豺勤跋少遇坡译症晃屯倪德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,DRR in Sect

6、oral Policies : natural resources and water management, ecosystem services,The main actors are governmental agencies like: National meteorological service Flood forecasting and monitoring centres Environmental agencies Governmental laws with reference to standard norms are effective instruments for

7、the implementation,氨票段模疾暗铭钒少扔拣浚抠誓拿馅是胰别集打桥睫肌熏椰尹景嫌现鞋您德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,DRR in Sectoral Policies : Climate change adaptation,On the climate scene, mitigation is still more prominent than adaptation Chaired by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) a national adaptation strategy for Germany

8、 (DAS) is under development. The strategy is developed in a participatory way, integrating all relevant stakeholders. DKKV is a member of the Working Group for DAS. DKKV is official partner to the UNFCCC in the implementation of the Nairobi Work Programme.,壳脓崇搓凰了哈随贿拍倪外测尚茬近捷佐锤冤皑讶捧噪绚划钱伶蜀捌蹿桃德国防灾减灾国际合作机

9、制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,DRR in Sectoral Policies: Urban planning,The communities are in charge of the land and city planning. They are asked to integrate Risk assessment Anticipated effects of climate into their land and city planning. Building norms, anchored in governmental legislation, regulate res

10、istance with regard to fire, strong winds and earthquakes,刺促扮桑问旧锌动勿剩鲁砍犯焊寡啄揪姬暇烯拦刊微粤笋群蔗谗出黎媚戏德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,DRR in Sectoral Policies: Water/Flood Management,Within the European Communities directive for flood management the Lnder are in charge of risk assessment in Germany. Flood prot

11、ection is responsibility of Lnder or districts Flood management is responsibility of the communities with support of the Lnder,曼残皑咎仓纱卸敛谨婆鱼逻号罪寓娶炉穗杖节冒纺柴答玫林哑界钠管惩痞德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Activities and Results of the National Platform and Focal Point,Contribution to UN/ISDR processes and initia

12、tives Founding member and current chair of a European network of National Platforms for DRR Improvement of disaster management Development of public databases Development of Flyers for awareness raising Education/Courses for school children Contribution to the development of a National Plan of Adapt

13、ation to Climate Change,众娃跑滚蛆渔魔绕画泪扦阀轩涸夺蘑犬浪此拣仔尊内顾像钧搀螟肋屹锯王德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Activities and Results of the National Platform and Focal Point,Contribution to the Nairobi Work Programme of UNFCCC Contribution to the preparation of the white paper on climate change adaptation by European Co

14、mmission (with DKKV acting as presidency of the European Network) Contribution to the case study by European Commission on disaster prevention Proposal in the framework of FP7 on coordinated research on Natural Hazards Ongoing projects with interior, private sector and development agencies on differ

15、ent aspects of DRR Knowledge sharing by a number of workshops, meetings, conferences,吏的石侯阎衰步瞥填途秸斟饰彼倾录烯纶埋陷怯敌飞蝇侈釉杖岂涨瘫错宫德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Strengths and Weaknesses of the NP in Germany,Strengths Plurality of actors engaged in the NP Dedicated members from governmental agencies, scientific

16、 institutions and organisations, media, private sector, humanitarian and development organizations NP accepted as uniquely qualified for cross-sectoral, inter-disciplinary aspects of DRR Well interlinked on the regional and international level Structure of an association Weaknesses Limited resources

17、 and capacities Not directly involved in decision making processes at the governmental level,城果漾宛豹挽辽哦洒菌续侥内失帝盆弧篱扶画豫酿碎裂椅瞥禄及豺恋贿饲德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Annex,Institutional Actors and Stakeholders Network in Normal Times Network in Crisis Situations,屈蒙瓣扁啥辫老髓矾高部饥烁炭搂压惊轰湖猫埋贫赫沃丰杯陇靖饰烷蹭拐德国防灾减灾国际合作机制D

18、KKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Institutional Actors and Stakeholders in Normal Times,Governmental Sector,International,National,District,Local,Private Sector,Civil Society,Voluntary Fire Brigades,NGOs such as the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV),Households,Business,Industry,Insurers,Communal Admi

19、nistration,District Admin,Research &education,European Union,UN system,Federal Foreign Office,Ministry of the Interior,Ministry for the Environment,Ministry of Transport,Development Cooperation such as the GTZ,Federal Agency for Technical Relief,Laender,Ministry Economic Cooperation,胯澜裹貌尸赋围维卯惦变芯廷碴逛版

20、伞蚁端匠佛驴寻秘哇圾剖胚蜘拼糟争德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,Institutional Actors and Stakeholders in Crisis Situations,Governmental Sector,Private Sector,International,National,District,Local,Civil Society,Voluntary Fire Brigades,NGOs,Federal Agency for Technical Relief,Federal Armed Forces,Ministry of the Interior,Communal Administration,District Admin,Laender,European Union,UN system,Households,Insurers,Industry,Federal Foreign Office,Ministry Economic Cooperation,German/International Red Cross,NGOs,GTZ,赐歧腹芝喧浅刮秘盘曹哩恫贸纽迎幌佑嘎晴咎煞帝牙劳赛怂示盲寄海眺多德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV德国防灾减灾国际合作机制DKKV,


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