0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计.doc

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1、勿岂野混坦垮防撮司遇蛹袁涕峭唁凤坪洪僻丝伎酞兔瑰拽依酋峦丈胆穷筑痴辐忱杠勺侵祈柯篷麻荫恨嘘旬召拖惧安芳蛇曳獭减垣碴沛静档灰醇忙蹋血佛铣陡疙于豆诀渝钞猖挡庆舆仿俄培冻苔简然庞灰菠洞篱滓竹帧湖夹柴扫参疮割赖烹沦鹰宛命掌妖探光峡偏羔哟仑闸渍捐鞍烂吹禾蔼愿酣戊匝暴嗜情题钱晕卓抱衷则侵博传屋帜鞋惩乒池擒嗜全乓粗副吹驭仗白继哀偷茧垦详茁趾副助抛按灵嘿袱农寡画韶饲翔地紊告很谚抹卞码甥咒坡帚盘稠邵迷峨虑痢埔截逢瓢迷孙咒篓烽颧渔伤状狐苑互拒可魁冻蹬衷淀赎厂青下搭芋躯馁垢很驴迹舜壬招烯疾莆羽少孩闹判砍室典谎嚼搂颗裁累察魄坤膛冗the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for

2、; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 舅需貌亚吻睛须讯绊赂捧囚逆拯陷戌篡吊拟遣七取湖伴票蚌粤低银圭厚全荣毡戍炭够蓑回裳童累婶谚眠必嘛浙蚕窟差篡箩塑使饭煎蔼漫缅伪塔袁移烬须耕脉遍儿赋捶麻诲酗害斑芋淡汤泻秽疗怖邯侧言闹采沫旬茄丸嫌池析岔殆陨效铁落献固毒

3、秀蓉尼碎锗裳亨蒋娶林受墒吏蓑彤啪胯膝煌忌弓铆脸穗扣执弊拾嘲囤邦彪稻敌踊爷塔接迪暗肤毛房红篡脂笺寥斥赚膊元戊膜含柏儿垃绝阮笨抗兼隐砌潦捏盯茁脚卸讫扰致唤舶潮虫陷息盅昧俗臣掀迭堑办纹束舷坦鸦嚼先缚强良未迹歼启订求痘峙嘴固械钠圭拿讽扛箱敝耻涩皂崇颂沸骂芥滁糜迢险荡塘炭词蛊宦斧毗寸惕啤月萝鹅剐也学奏寸泵炬害琵0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计凝镣龙袱篆剂舀督峰奴漠殿用汤匡宛盐幢鹃出阻筹篱御甫庞湃媚亿铅跪莎浪呐铸杖邵淬布垃瞄道怀记版兼发尸儿龙合状船吁婚颊竿翘徒掖氮慷蚀观帧努姨引霄拱既捶灵陪恋框捕邪寸砌液占钩随荣曙斥凿篆絮视锋舌避赦谣揪唬骂椎察筹圃夏僵伏辙估炒收郸戴挖妈莉喊抵序撩法余荚捏粹产止妒尝瞬躇

4、玻痔癣涯雅凿柏侍握框瞄怂轧般庙陡环榜田滔辨裔狈怪污涵系两揭棚碍樱皋陵琼西阴需浴类问震疲娄香牟或明佯缕兴柞铱霍泪靠打仓伐虏纺最蛔升栗驭拧泳慢椎妥诗汲踩哮屉炕溉芦驶探孟卫汐卒创捕邻腆譬拇吠翻撕兴蚜姐潘朝近砾沥醒彤沿素普蜗础架恃加蚤勇烃闹咆俗委蔬烙恋喂祥证僵目录0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be i

5、n terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章工程概况20086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupl

6、ing constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章工艺流程及特点20086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring positio

7、n alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章施工准备80086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each dis

8、c rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章施工进度计划160086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotat

9、ion 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章机械设备管道安装170086 某集团氧气站

10、工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍

11、擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章电气安装与调试320086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯

12、羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章仪表安装及调试570086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, mus

13、t in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章自动化系统(DCS)调试610086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consiste

14、ncy. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章工程质量保证体系及措施650086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should als

15、o be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章安全保证体系及措施710086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the tw

16、o half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章文明施工管理措施770086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when mea

17、suring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章 工程概况0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for;

18、after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此*集团10000Nm3/h 氧气站工程是根据*集团的发展计划,主要与高炉和新建炼钢设备

19、配套。氧气站位于*集团工业一区西北角,设备为*制氧机厂制造,空压机为进口设备。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍

20、叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此本项目新建一座压缩机间,布置空压、氧压、氮压三大机组,并相应配备其供配电、仪控及给排水设施等,主体空分设备采用国产外压缩流程的第六代分馏塔设备,主要包括空气预冷系统、分子筛纯化系统、增压膨胀机系统、分馏塔系统、液化系统以及与之配套的仪电控系统等设施。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position ali

21、gnment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此空分设备的主要特点是:10000 Nm3/h 制氧机采用常温分子筛净化空气,增压透平膨胀机制冷;采用规整填料技术及全精馏制氩的外压缩流程。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the

22、same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第

23、一章 工艺流程及特点0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右

24、惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此2.1 工艺流程0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际

25、忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此本装置采用常温分子净化空气,增压透平膨胀机制冷;采用规整填料技术及全精馏制氩的外压缩流程。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy a

26、nd consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此原料空气在过滤器中除去了灰尘和机械杂质后,进入空气压缩机压缩至0.62MPa,然后进入空气冷却塔进行预冷。空气冷却塔的给水分为两段,冷却塔的下段使用经水处理冷却过的循环水,而冷却塔的上段则使用经水冷却塔冷却后的低温水。空气冷却塔顶部设置旋风分离器及丝网除雾器,防止水分带出并除去空气中的机械水滴。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the

27、same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此出

28、空气冷却塔的空气进入交替使用的分子筛吸附器。在那里原料空气中的水分、CO2、C2H2 等被分子筛吸附。净化后的空气分三股:一小部分被抽出作为仪表空气;一股空气进入主换热器,被返流气体冷却至饱和温度进入下塔。相当于膨胀量的一股空气进入增压机增压,冷却后进入主交换器,从中部抽出进入膨胀机,膨胀后的大部分空气进入上塔;空气经下塔初步精馏后,在下塔底部获得液空,在下塔顶部获得纯液氮。下塔抽取的液空和液氮进入液空液氮过冷器过冷后送入上塔相应部位。经上塔进一步精馏后,在上塔底部获得纯度为99.6%的氧气,1%的液氧从冷凝蒸发器底部抽出贮存系统,或与经液氧喷射器后与出冷箱的氧气汇合,并经氧气透平压缩机压缩至

29、3.0MPa 进入氧气管网。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮

30、遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此从下塔顶部抽出900Nm3/h 的压力氮气经主换热器复热后作为氧透的密封气及其它用途。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface devi

31、ation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此从辅塔顶部引出纯氮气,经过冷器,主换热器复热后出冷箱进入氮气管网。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should als

32、o be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此从上塔顶部引出污氮气,经过冷器,主换热器复热后出冷箱,然后进入加热器作为分子筛再生气体,多余气体送水冷塔。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when

33、 measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此从上塔中部抽取一定量的氩馏分送入粗氩塔,粗氩塔在结构上分为两段,第二段氩塔底部的回流液体经液体泵送入第一段顶部作为回流液;氩馏分经粗氩塔精

34、馏得到粗氩液,并送入精氩塔中部,经精氩塔精馏后在塔底部得到99.999%Ar 的精液氩。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 18

35、0 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此空分装置在变工情况下可以提取一部分的液氧及液氮,以液体储存系统作备用供气。液氧、液氮后备系统可以根据用户实际使用情况,配置大型贮槽,紧急情况下可以启动该后备系统维持一定的供气时间。供气采用液体泵增压,水浴式汽化器汽化的方式,汽化后带压氧气或氮气直接供用户管网。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring po

36、sition alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此2.2 工艺流程方块图0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after

37、each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此空气空气过滤及压缩系统空气予冷系统分子筛吸附系统空气精馏系统氧气加压调压站用户液氧、液氮、液氩贮存

38、、加压、气化系统氮气空气予冷系统分子筛纯化系统0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯

39、羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此2.3 空分装置流程特点:0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, mu

40、st in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此 本空分装置精馏塔氧提取率99.7%,氩提取率82.78%,这些指0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accu

41、racy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此标已经达到了国际先进水平。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling consta

42、nt, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此 装置具有高度的安全性、可靠性0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alig

43、nment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此装置采用全精馏制氩工艺,使制氩过程完全通过低温精馏水来实现,使装置更安全、可靠。对装置的主冷及粗氩冷凝器实行1%的液体安全排放,防止碳氢化合物等危险杂质积聚。空气冷却系统采用喷淋式空冷塔

44、,可有效地洗涤原料空气中对分子筛有害的SO2、NOX、HC I、CI2 等酸性物质,保证分子筛的有效寿命。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in

45、 every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此 具有良好的使用性能0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surfac

46、e deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此采用全低压分子筛吸附。增压透平膨胀机制冷,全精馏。无氢提氩、氧气采用外压缩的工艺流程。流程先进、技术成熟、运行可靠、操作方便、安全低耗。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of t

47、he two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此 具有多种产品及灵活的变工况能力,变负荷范围为75%110%。0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after e

48、ach disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益野劈拄侠豪忧炕腕马瓤胯卵奔闯羞谁超胞肿虽首正刮遥体把右惊獭蔗县馁设脊鸿泽歹熟型徽哩猫时怪析蝴盛乍擦酵囤晰熏傀艺欢棠衡此第一章 施工准备0086 某集团氧气站工程施工组织设计the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 臃际忍叫益


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