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1、名校名 推荐牛津译林版九上 Unit 1 Know yourself 习题Period 3一、词组翻译1公司的总经理简直2是 _3高标准愿意4做某事_5把她的大部分时间献给了工作6尊敬某人 _二、词汇运用1.Is Wu Wei a( bear ) artist ?2.I am( impress ) by what he does for me.3.Tim is very active. It seems that he is full of _(energetic).4.My brother has _(win) more prizes than me.5.The old man gave u

2、p _(smoke) in the end.三、单项选择()1.It sy verdiff icult to learn English well, but you can t_.A. put it upB. take it upC. look it upD. give it up()2. -Do you like the programme Dad, where are we going ? ?- Yes, not only I but also my parents _interested in it.A. areB. amC. isD. will()3.-Mother Teresa de

3、voted most of her lifetime _children in poor areas.-Yes, she won Nobel Peace Prize and was honoredwithMedal of Freedom for herkindness.A. to helpB. to helpingC. for helpD.forhelping()4. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? I m afraid _ day is possible.A. eitherB. neitherC. someD.any()5.Why not stop? I

4、t s badyour health.A. smoke, forB. smoking, forC. to smoke, ofD.smoking,of1名校名 推荐()6.Neither you nor Tim _well.A. swimB. swimsC. to swimD. swimming四、缺词填空No first lesson is more important than the one on personal safety for students. The FirstLesson of the New Term-a TV documentaryabout h1toprotect o

5、neself in timeofemergency was shown on the first day at the b2of that term. It meant to provide schoolstudents w3the knowledge on self-protectionin suchn4disastersas earthquake,fire,snowstormor flood and otherlife-threateningsituations( 紧急情况 ).The students andtheir parents are asked to w5this docume

6、ntary. This documentary was filmed by CCTV.Some Olympic gold winners took an a6part in making this program. The best exampleis from the May earthquake in Sichuan provinces.T 7of primary and middle school kidswerek 8whe n schoolbuildings felldownsuddenly,butto everyonesurprise,allstudents from a mid

7、dle school survived the disaster, even n9of them was hurt becausethey had drilled( 演练 ) regularly in every term. In fact, It-known thatchildrswelln representthe f_10_ of our country. It s very important and necessary for earnallkidsabouttol theknowledge on self-protection. So make it an important pa

8、rt of our education to teach them such knowledge.2名校名 推荐Unit 1 Period 3参考答案一、词组翻译the general manager of the companyas good ashigh standardsbe willing to do sthdevote most of her time to her workrespect sb二、词汇运用bornimpressedenergywonsmoking三、单项选择DABBBB四、缺词填空1. how2. beginning3. with4. natural5. watch6.active7. Thousands8. killed9. none10. future3


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