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1、上海小学英语4B笔记M1U11 sense 感觉2 smell 嗅3 taste 尝 taste with the tongue(舌) taste buds味蕾4 fell 触5 see 看见6 hear 听见bittersaltysweet7 sour sour 8taste (1)尝 (2)味道 (3)品味9I see with my eyes.= I use(使用) my eyes to see.10Look and see11. listen and hear12. touch and feel13. What have you got? (What do you have?)14.

2、What has he got? (What does he have?)1. One 那些东西(单)2. ones 那些东西(复)3. the 形 one/ones4. Which one/ones? 哪个/那些5. I like the big one. Which one do you like?6. I like the big one. What do you like?7. How about 怎样 = What about8. (1) How about you? = and you?(2) How about + doing? 提建议1. wing 翅 beak 鸟嘴2. vi

3、ne 藤3. What nice grapes! 感叹句:多么啊!4. What + a/an + 形容词 + 名词!5. at all 根本6. I dont like it at all.7. 感叹句: How + 形 + 句子剩余!8. How nice the grapes are!9. What a all tree!= How tall the tree is!10. What sweet apples!= How sweet the apples are!11. How does it taste? do they12. around 围绕13. enjoy 享用/欣赏 enjo

4、y 喜欢 + doing14. in the afternoonOn sunny afternoons (具体到某一天时,用介词on 这里是多个晴朗的下午,所以用复数,加s)M1U21. 厚的 薄的thick 反义 thin 粗的 细的2. Whose is this/that/it?It is 3. Whose are these/those/they?They are 4. Whos 谁是 Whose 谁的5. thing 东西 thin n6. slim 苗条的7. over there 在那边8. just 刚好1. at the beach 在海边2. on the beach 在海

5、滩上3. at the seaside 在海边4. sand 沙子(不可数)5. take off shoes 脱下鞋take shoes offtake them off6. put on the coat 穿上外套put the coat onput it on7. of cause = sure 当然8. something(sth.) 某样东西(单)9. something hard 某样硬的东西10. a key (钥匙)to the door11. a key (重点) school12. key (键)13. take(拿走,带走)sth.(物) to sp.(地方)14. lo

6、se(丢失的)15. property (财物)16. blind 瞎的17. colour blind 色盲的18. deaf 聋的19. dumb 哑的20. each part (部分)21. the whole (整体)22. tusk 象牙23. trunk 象鼻24. Dont judge dd(评判)one thing by its part1. be like 像2. Its body is like the wall(墙).3. One of the + 复数M1U31. shadow 影子2. light 光3. hill 山丘4. rises 上升 反义 goes dow

7、n 落下5. bench 长凳6. path p: 小径7. lawn l:n 草坪8. at sunrise 日出 at sunset 日落9. get(变得)longgrow10. again 再,又11. chase 追赶 = run afterM2U11. sport shoes2. sports meeting (运动会)3. do sports 做运动4. a kind of sport (种类)5. ball games:6. volleyball vlib:l 排球7. baseball besb:l 棒球8. table tennis 台球(乒乓)9. badminton 羽

8、毛球10. tennis 网球11. golf 高尔夫球12. bowling 保龄球13. polo 水球14. hockey 冰球15. play ball games16. play with a ball17. play football18. 球类前无 the,a,an19. in the spare(空余时间) time = in the free time1. hobby 爱好 hobbies2. my hobby is ing. 有趣的(形) Its fun。3. fun 乐趣(名:不可数)have great fun4. interesting (形) 有趣的 a lot (

9、单独用)5. 许多 a lot of + 东西6. poster 海报7. club 俱乐部8. hobby club 社团 us9. join 加入 a club 那时10. then 那么 然后 who11. else 其他what12. 人 + would(想要) like to + 动原 = 人d like to do = want(s) to do13. would like + 东西 = want 东西 例: Id like some tea.14. Would you like some tea?15. Would you like to do? = Do you want to

10、 do?16. will(将会) + 动词原形17. Will + 人 + do? 班级1. class 棵 =lesson2. 动词(动名词)+ing class 注意事项(名)3. Notice 关注(动)4. notice board 告示栏5. swimming pool pu:l 池子6. pool 池子(人工) pond 池塘(天然) sth.7. need sth. for(为) doing school8. need a bag for going to school9. need sth. to do (需要去做)10. need a bag to go to school1

11、1. What do you need for ? I need for12. What does he need for? He needs for1. a lite buoy 救生圈2. a swimsuit swmsu:t 游泳衣3. suit 西服4. cant be 不能是,不可以是5. too太(贬义):过分,不适合6. a pair of swimming shorts 一条泳裤(单)7. A and(和) B (肯定句)8. A or(或) B (否定句)9. a pair of swimming goggles gglz 副泳镜10. a swimming cap 泳帽11.

12、 before 在之前 反义 swimmingafter 在之后12. 介词 + 动 + ing(动名词)13. do warm-up exercises14. go into 进入 反义 come out of 出来15. remember 记住 反义 forget 忘记1. make(使)you healthy(健康的) 反义 unhealthy2. make sb./sth. + 形容词3. make the room clean4. enjoy yourself(你自己) 祝你开心 = have a good time5. 动名词,句首 主语6. Running is fun.1. 反

13、身代词:某个人自己(oneself)2. 单数: myself yourself himself herself itself 我的 你自己 他自己 她自己 它自己3. 复数:ourselves yourselves themselves4. I do the work myself.5. He does the work himself.6. They do the work themselves.7. Do the work yourself,Peter.8. You two do the work yourselves.9. Dont do the work yourselves,chi

14、ldren.10. line 直线11. mine 我的12. smile 微笑13. French fries (复数) 薯条14.M2U2 lovely foolish fu:l 愚蠢的1. cute 反义 clever 聪明的 stupid stju:pd2. hamster 仓鼠3. tortoise 乌龟4. bone 骨头(s)5. parrot 鹦鹉6. carrot 胡萝卜7. bamboos 竹子8. look after 照看9. walk a dog 遛狗10. pets :(1) should be cute 应该(2) should be tame(驯服的)(3) s

15、houldnt be too dig(4) shouldnt be wildlarge11. a bowl of small12. at all 根本13. I like fruit very much. 反义 I dont like fruit at all.14. a bowl of dog foodHow much15. a bowl of dog food How many bowls of dog food?16.Share 分享 with friends17. shank 摇晃18. fall down 落下19. help each other20. wake up 醒来21.

16、onto 到上面去 on 在上面1. catch 抓住2. hole 洞3. wake sb. up 叫醒人4. vet 兽医5. take (took) 带着6. to 去往7. maths 数学(单)8. camp 野营9. teach (taught) 教10. add 相加11. say to 人1. busy 忙的 反义 free 空的 with sth.(名)2. be busy (in) doing(动)3. I am busy with homework.4. I am busy (in) doing homework.5. family member (成员)6. ocloc

17、k (点钟)7. half(半) past(过) 8. flat 公寓房9. living room (sitting room)客厅10. kitchen 厨房11. dining room 餐厅12. bedroom 卧室13. bathroom 浴室14. study 书房15. storeroom 储物室16. basement 地下室17. attic 阁楼18. balcony blkni 阳台19. garage gr: 车库20. take a bath 洗澡21. store things 储物22. park a car 泊车23. see the view(风景)24.

18、A is the room(place) where I can .25. have 3 meals(饭)26. 人做事地时 模特27. mode 型号 模型 模范28. dry 擦干29. write a letter(信)30. wash dishes(plates)1. Earth(地球)Hour(小时)2. the earth an hour3. green 环保的4. save(节约)energy endi(能源)5. in Earth Hour 在之内6. turn off 关闭 反义 turn on 打开(电,开关)7. turn on the lightturn the lig

19、ht onturn it on8. turn up 开响 反义 turn down 开轻9. often 经常 usually通常10. at night11. on a windy night12. a lot 许多(后面不加词) 复13. a lot of + (肯定句) 不可数 many否定 much1. before 在之前 反义 after 在之后2. bedtime 睡觉时间 = time for bed3. fairy tale 童话故事4. tell(告诉)a story5. tell + 人(宾格)6. say to + 人 to7. talk + 人 with8. tell

20、 sb. about sth.9. 告诉人关于事10. chat 闲聊 (过去分词:chatting)1. have a summer holiday(假日)2. on the beach3. swim in the sea4. make a sandcastle5. eat ice-cream6. play beach ball7. pick up shells 贝壳捡起8. sit under the umbrella9. drink iced tea10. eat fruits11. take a sunbath 日光浴12. go body surfing 冲浪13. the chen

21、s(复数) 陈先生一家 = the chen family(单)14. the + 山;河;湖;海15. the + 世上唯一16. the + 序数词17. the + 特指18. go + doingM3U11. sounds 声音(总称)2. noise 噪音3. voice 嗓音4. sound(动)听上去 + 形5. It sounds great!6. quiet 安静的 反义 noisy 吵闹的7. Be/Keep quiet! 保持安静!8. loud 大声的 反义 low 低声的9. in(用) a loud/low voice10. bell 铃 = doorbell 门铃

22、11. ring the bell 使铃响12. watch television (TV)13. Colour TV14. black and white TV1. the sense of hearing 听觉2. hear sb. doing 听见正在做3. for 为;给4. too 太(否定)5. careful 小心的;仔细的 反义 careless6. Be carefull = Look out! = Watch out!小心;当心7. doze 打瞌睡8. awake 醒着的 反义 asleep 睡觉的9. wake 醒 反义 sleep 睡10. stay awake 醒着

23、11. fall awake 睡着12. puzzle 拼图13. do a puzzle 拼一幅图14. puzzled 迷惑的15. in the end 最后 = at last = finallyM3U21. time 时间: tell the time 识钟2. What time is it? = Whats the time? Its . am 上午3. oclock(点钟) pm 下午4. half(半) past(过)5. 8:00 AM (eight oclock in the morning)6. 4:00 PM (four oclock in the afternoon

24、) 127. 分 to 时 (6-9-12) 9 3 分 past 时 (12-3-6) 68. 1:00 one oclock / one9. 1:05 five past one / one five10. 1:15 fifteen past one / a quarter past one / one fifteen11. 1:30 half past one / one thirty12. 1:45 fifteen to two / a quarter to two / one forty-five13. 1:55 five to two / one fifty-five14. a q

25、uarter kw:t(r) 一刻钟 = 15分钟 When(何时)1. at(在) + 几点钟 What time (几点)2. at + 几点on + 几月几日/周几 When(何时)in + 年/月/四季3. clock 钟4. watch 表:wear a watch5. an alarm clock (闹钟)6. Its 几点 (现在进行时)7. at 几点 (一般现在时) 画笔(名)+es8. brush 刷(动)9. brush/clean teeth10. have(eat) breakfast 早饭11. lunch 午饭12. dinner(supper) 晚饭 ow13.

26、 a Ou14.night owl 夜猫子1. go to bed 上床睡觉 = go to sleep2. in the evening3. on Friday evening4. puzzle 拼图5. puzzled 疑惑的6. Its time for + 名词7. Its time to + 动词原形8. 例: Its time for bed9. Its time to go to bed10. Its bedtime11. finish 完成 + doing12. enjoy 喜欢 + doing13. like + doing14. go + doing15. be good

27、at + doing1. battery 电池 batteries(复数)2. It doesnt work3. It stops.4. wake sb. up 叫醒 to5. talk sb. with6. start 开始 = begin7. late for school(名)8. late to go to school(动原)9. stopped(过去式)10. leaves 离开11. last night 昨夜12. tonight 今夜M3U31. at the weekend 在周末(at weekends)2. on weekdays 在工作日3. 频率副词: always

28、 一直 usually 通常 often 经常 never 从不 一般现在时 sometimes 有时 How often 每隔多久一次4. Im often busy.5. I often play games.6. How often play games?7. fromto 从到8. on + 周几 / 几月几日(when)9. chess 棋子10. Chinese chess 象棋11. store chess 围棋 家庭(单)12. family 家人(复)13. very often 经常(白尾)14. I play games very often.15. have a goo

29、d time16. enjoy themselves1. activity 活动 activities(复数)2. show 展示3. meeting 会议4. At 几点 on 周几. We have in the . 班级5. class 课 = lesson6. Whats the date(日期) today? 今天几月几日?7. What day is it today? 今天周几?8. year(年) month (月) week(周) day (日) hour(小时) minute(分) second(秒) sb.9. wait for (等待) sth.10. wait to

30、do sth. 等着去做事11. wait for sb. to do sth. 等人去做事1. a black coat and hat 一套(配对)2. a black coat and a hat doing3. love to do4. in the middle of = in the centre of 在中间5. really 真的6. a little 有点儿7. shy 害羞的8. while 然而9. get 10. drink 饮料(可数)11. start 反义 end / finish 结束M4U11. music 音乐2. pop music 流行乐3. class

31、ical music 古典乐4. rock music 摇滚乐5. blues 蓝调6. jazz 爵士乐7. country music 乡村乐8. folk music 民乐 fuk mju:zik9. musical 音乐的10. instruments 器具11. play(弹奏)the piano(钢琴)12. violin (小提琴)13. drum (鼓)14. flute (笛子)15. lute (古筝)16. harp (竖琴)17. cello (大提琴) tel 18. Chinese violin (二胡)19. trump (号)20. guitar (吉他)21.

32、 recorder (竖笛) rk:d(r)22. pianist 钢琴演奏家23. band 乐队24. music group (小组) sth. time for25. doing time to do26. 例:time for dinnertime for eating dinnertime to eat dinner 班级:in the class1. class 课:in class2. pipe (1)乐管 (2)管子 (3)烟斗3. piper 吹管人4. full of 充满了 = filled with5. 例: The cup is full of water6. aw

33、ay 离开 from 从7. all the + 复数(全部)8. in return 作为回报9. in return for sth. 对于某事的回报10. opera 歌剧 prM4U21. Chinese festivals (节日)2. traditional 传统的(形) trdnl3Tradition 传统(名)4. important 重要的5. the spring Festival (春节)6. the Drogon Boat Festival (龙舟节/端午节)7. the Double Ninth Festival (重阳节)8. double 双个的 at/durin

34、g 在期间9. the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)10.the Lantern Festival (元宵节)11.on Childrens Day12.at Christmas 在圣诞期间13.on Christmas Day 在圣诞当日(12/25)14.on Christmas Eve 在平安夜 (12/24)15.eat special spel (特别的) food16have special activities(活动)17lunar lu:n(r)(农历的) month18solar sl(r)(公历的) month1. the Spring Festiva

35、l2. Date: on the first day of the first lunar month3. How : traditional and important4. month: Jan./Feb.5. weather: cold/winter6. special activities:7. decorate dekret (装饰) the house, buy new clothes.8. clean the house, have a family dinner.9. watch fireworks, get money in the red envelope envlp (信封

36、)10. visit friends and relatives reltv (亲戚)11. Special food:12. Spring rolls (春卷)13. dumplings (饺子)14. decoration (装饰) dekren15. Chinese knots (中国结)16. couplets kplts (对联)17. cutting paper (剪纸)18. lanterns (灯笼)19. race 比赛(速度)car racehorse racerunning racematch mt 比赛(球类)1. the day of the lunar month2. Class Three, Grade Four3. learn + doing 学习4. see the flower show (展出)M4U31. the ugly duckling (小鸭)2. puppy 幼狗3. kitten 幼猫4. pony 马驹5. nest 巢 : make a nest6. swan 天鹅7. feed sth. to sb.(喂) 给8. feed sb. with sth. 用9. worm 虫子 回来10.back 背部11. lonely 孤单的12. drive 驱赶16教学工具


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