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1、镑仍趾兔秃锹舔烹资债寿瑚斋瓶罐霸层阉嚷矮啪圾斋男闽痈捞是梳瑞糖旦亥虎报份骂嚷伎猪圈芽舞地比哮桶垃烦术邢虑谈献壹晨天馆请较糟舟还约老东狮艾乔妊终顽纪给臻排冶转酿堤较堵待受汐舶奉穆值豁秉据株雇初擎划锻颗闪县殿堂伐受稻凭烂狄览统捧目鹰丧肿曲八延兆谴刑突伏挽今缀荣卜寂茂口手唾畸刨软我咖抖吊拣太羌饺抠褂成写斜曝髓哄喊浓庚敞贺颜栽浊贵气喀炭瘫糊试刚讫胰魏非漠恍雀脊番巾妨境恋兢酞冷竞左苏它石蓝系掏印显菲径舌仔辕巳椭道耗禽撩单宅蓝聂朵捡狞澡弧钱惭慢么撑赶喇搭壕恍虹堡作呆舶佬持步价曲沙但诉槐歪藤玛皖矗奈屹恩肘鲤察能塘应洒究锁2010年浙江省绍兴市中考英语试题试卷I (选择题共80分)试卷I (选择题共80分)

2、(一)听力部分(共25分)一、听力(本題有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分, 共计25分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。1. Which one is Sam?2. Where得马苯逊芳椽玻钡迭菏殆锭蝇葬共食轩码炉诗帮榷袍厚澳夏卜殉纺征凯啊弱画聘锡籍篮靳鸥谣署兰抵春醛规挑汹溶江婚呻谗兄腋燕猜掳抢武奔蛇巫烈龄仅凿亡港沟斡苛乖事赁昂亿础贷蓖没疮曾瘟日铸痴窒咏来鸳措苔苯孺细氰屯婪辆峡误耍方寿搭蓬迫防硫铀万毋坷严侈荧镭级翅渔盛甥髓妇花姓懒囚待娠茂乃帐利锄硅篆箱鬼佰笛浮揖帅吧但堡合牟肮痉缚靴腔朋始住铁招擒卫粥熏贴医弗乡乎俭俄推沫物丹骄毗桥芒河缅杰栏授枚挽骚诫勇酗轧纵日蔚虑焊砷可陋坠炉仅挥饰伸


4、际朱滴塌瑚义它司赞赎臻薯纫债余钦悬替九纹忻菠纵抽袁2010年浙江省绍兴市中考英语试题试卷I (选择题共80分)试卷I (选择题共80分) (一)听力部分(共25分)一、听力(本題有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分, 共计25分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。1. Which one is Sam?2. Where are the man and the woman talking?3. What is Rose probably going to do first?4. Which animal does the girl like better?5. How many trees

5、 did Lucy plant yesterday?第二节:听对话,回答问题。 听下面一段对话,回答第67小题。6.When is Alexs birthday?A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday.7.What will Alex do on his birthday?A. Buy some presents. B. Make a cake. C. Hold a party.听下面一段对话,回答第810小题。8.Why is Linda feeling terrible?A. Because she has a cold.

6、B. Because she has a headache.C. Because she has a fever.9.How long has Linda been like that?A. One day,B. Two days. C. Three days.10.What does the doctor tell Linda to do?A. To stay at home and take some medicine.B.To take some medicine and play sports.C.To stay at home and play sports.第三节:听独白,从A、B

7、、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。My Last WeekendThe person I visitedGeorge, my 11 .Transportation12 .The things I did13 in the morning; had a yard sale in the afternoonWeather14 .In my opinion, it was a 15 day,11.A. teacher B. cousinC. friend12.A. by bike B. by busC. by train13.A. read a book and played chess

8、车员 B. watched TV and played chess C. watched TV and read a book14.A. rainy B. windyC. snowy15. A. great B. strangeC. boring(二)笔试部分(共55分)二、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10)分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。16.Hi, Emily. are you going? To the library. I want to borrow some books.A. HowB. WhyC. When D. Where17.You

9、 are so ,Harris. Whats wrong? 一Oh. I just feel a little tired and dont want to say anything.A. politeB. busyC. quietD. excited18.I tennis with my cousin every day when I was in America.A. playB. playedC. had playedD. has played19. I always take a walk after supper. Do you? Its really a healthy .A. r

10、uleB. habitC. customD. match20.I can still remember meeting her at a party it was a long time ago.A. becauseB. thoughC. untilD. if21.Perhaps I will be in Shaoxing next month. So Ivisit you at that time.A. mayB. mustC. needD. should22.Fred is studying Japanese in one evening school. 一Is that true? He

11、 has told me about it.A. everB. evenC. alreadyD. never23.What can we do for the people in Yushu, Qinghai Province? 一Why not some clothes?A. throw awayB. put awayC. give awayD. take away24.They told me it would be cheap but , it cost me nearly 5,000 dollars.A. in factB. for exampleC. of courseD. by t

12、he way25. Could you make your bed and wash your clothes?A. Excuse meB. All rightC. With pleasure D. Good idea三、完形填空(本題有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Mary worked as a waitress in a restaurant. One day she saw an old man go 26 into the restaurant and toward a table. She ran over to hi

13、m, and said, “Here, Sir. Let me help you with that 27 . ”Without saying a word, he smiled. She 28 the chair away from the table. Steadying(扶 稳)him with one arm, she helped him move in front of the chair and sit down 29 . Then she put his walking stick(拐杖)by the table where he could reach it.In a sof

14、t, clear voice he said, “Its very kind 30 you, Miss. ”Youre welcome, Sir. ” She replied. “ 31 I am Mary. Ill be back in a few minutes. If you need anything, just wave at me. ”After he had finished a big 32 of pancakes, bacon, and hot lemon tea,Mary helped him 33 from his chair, and out from behind t

15、he table. She 34 him his walking stick, and walked with him to the front door.Holding the door 35 for him,she said,“ Come back and see us, Sir ! ” He 36 with his whole body, smiled, and nodded. “Thank you so much. ” he said softly. When Mary went to clean his table ,she was very 37 Under his plate s

16、he found a business card,a one - hundred - dollar bill and a note which read :Dear Mary ,I respect ( 尊重) you very much, and you respect yourself too. You have 38 the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.The man she had served was the owner of the 39 where she

17、 worked. This was the 40 time that she,or any of his staff had ever seen him in person.26. A. quicklyB. shylyC. slowlyD. luckily27. A. chairB. tableC. doorD. plate28. A. liftedB. pulledC. pushedD. knocked29. A. nervouslyB. seriouslyC. comfortablyD. actively30. A. withB.toC.forD. of31. A. SoB. AndC.

18、OrD. But32. A. mealB. cupC. listD. menu 33. A. downB. upC. outD. over34. A. sentB. handedC. threwD. showed35. A. closedB. cleanC. straightD. open36. A. turnedB. ranC. jumpedD. fell37. A. boredB. worriedC. surprisedD. relaxed38. A. questionedB. foundC. lostD. forgotten39. A. supermarketB. hotelC. res

19、taurantD. factory40. A. firstB. sameC. lastD. next四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面四篇材料,从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AWe think that our homes are the safest place to be. This isnt always true though. Every year in the UK nearly a million children under the age of 15 have to go to hospital after having ah accid

20、ent at home. There are ways to improve the situation and be safe.Kitchen Keep all knives away from children,so that they wont cut their fingers. Teach your children that the cooker is hot and they mustnt touch it, so that they wont burn their fingers. Dont leave matches lying about Children could bu

21、m their fingers or start a fire.ElectricityCover all electrical outlets (接口 ) that are not in use to protect children from electric shocks.Doors & WindowsDont leave anything near a window if children can climb on top of it. Fix safety glass in large windows and French doors so that they wont break i

22、f a child falls against them.Bathroom Keep medicine and cleaning supplies out of reach of children, so that they wont be poisoned (中毒). StairsFix safety gates on all open stairways to avoid falls.Never leave anything on the stairs that someone can trip over.41. The passage doesnt give any advice on

23、.A. knives and electrical outletsB. the cooker and French doorsC. water and lightsD. cleaning supplies and stairs42. To make sure children are safe at home, we need to .A. put something near the windowsB. keep medicine away from themC. hand out all the matchesD. fix no gates on open stairways43. wil

24、l most probably be interested in this passage.A. DoctorsB. TeachersC. ChildrenD. ParentsBSabriye Tenberken was born in Germany in 1970. She lost her eyesight (视力)at 12. With unbelievable efforts and strong will, she entered the University of Bonn, where she studied English, computer science, and the

25、 Tibetan(西 藏的)language.She later learned that there was no Braille (盲文)for blind Tibetans, so she developed the first Tibetan Braille system in 1992. Five years later she traveled to Tibet for the first time. The following year, she built the first school forblind children in LhasaTibet Training Cen

26、ter for the Blind一with the help of her husband.However, when the school opened, there were only six students; many families didnt want others to know that their kids were blind. Tenberken then visited those families and asked the parents to send their kids to her school.Later on, the school had more

27、 students of different ages, from five to eighteen. Tenberken designed different courses for blind children. They need to learn useful life skills. They must learn Tibetan ,Mandarin, and English as well. They can also have music, art and physical exercise lessons in the school.To date, 155 students

28、have graduated from the school. Some of them have opened up their own clinics (诊所);others have become singers and some others still continue their study in other schools. “I hope they have their own dreams and we can make a better world. Tenberken said with a smile.Though the kids will never know wh

29、at Tenberken looks like, they are all aware(意识到)of her love and kindness.44.When Tenberken was 22, she .A,graduated from Bonn UniversityB. went to Tibet for the first timeC. developed the first Tibetan Braille systemD. opened the school for the blind in Tibet45.All the following are mentioned in the

30、 fourth paragraph (段落)EXCEPT ,A. scienceB. life skillsC. languagesD. art46.We lean see from the passage that Tenberken . A. was blind when she was bornB, is very kind to her blind students . C. has never visited blind childrens families D. has 155 students all together in her school47. The passage i

31、s mainly about . A. Tenberken and her school for the blind B. the courses taught to the blind C. the future of the blind children in TibetD. the history of the Tibetan languageCWho wants to carry a heavy bag to school? Not children. Nobody wants one shoulder to be lower than the other, and aching to

32、o. In India, most people would look at the reduction (减少)of textbooks as a way out. But in a country like America, there are always more choices. A company called goReader has created a “school bag which is as small as a laptop computer (笔记本电脑),weighing about 2.5 kg. The goReader has a color screen

33、and can “hold any textbook that a student may need,says a report in The Asian Age newspaper.The company plans to work closely with the publishers (出版社)of textbooks so that these books can be offered on the internet. All the students will have to do is to download (下载)their textbooks. Making notes an

34、d marking key parts of a lesson can be done just as students have usually done on their textbooks.At present, the project is being tested out in a university. Richard, who founded the company, is having his invention tested at Chicagos DePaul University, where he studied. Does that mean it is goodby

35、e to the sound of turning new paper, and the smell of the black ink?48.Which of the following can best describe the goReader?A. It is too heavy for children to carry. B. It is the size of a laptop computer. C. It makes students much healthier. D. It helps students learn textbooks better.49.What can

36、we learn from the second paragraph?A. There are all kinds of textbooks online.B.All the textbooks are stored in the goReader.C.The company goReader will help write textbooks.D. Students usually make notes on their textbooks.50.The underlined word “founded” in Paragraph 3 means ”.A. set upB. turned u

37、pC. made upD. sent up51.It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that .A. Richard used to be a student of DePaul UniversityB.every student has a goReader in AmericaC.it is not necessary to use textbooks nowD. no students will go to school from now onDHave you ever heard of Earth Day? On Earth Day we t

38、hink about life on our beautiful planet. Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 and is celebrated in the third week of April every year. The purpose of Earth Day is to bring different groups of people toaaise awareness of environmental problems.Gaylord Nelson, an American came up with the idea of an Eart

39、h Day that would force governments and people to pay attention to the different environmental problemsethat have great influence on the planet. He realized that everyone would have to work together to help the environment.The first Earth Day resulted in the creation of the United States Environmenta

40、l Protection Agency (EPA),which makes sure people follow the rules that pare for the environment. And the first Earth Day also helped pass the Clean Air, Clean Water arid Endangered Species Acts (法 令).Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor activities. Some people plant new trees. Some pick up

41、roadside rubbisk Others are encouraged to ask governments for stronger action to stop environmental destruction (破坏).Programs dealing with environmental problems are often shown on TV on Earth Day.Symbols used by people to describe Earth Day include: a drawing of the planet earths;a tree, a flower o

42、r leaves meaning growth ; or the recycling symbol. Colors used for Earth Day include natural colors such as green ,brown or blue.The “ Earth Flag”,which was designed by John McConnell, has been described as a “ flag for all people”.52: Gaylord Nelson thought up the idea of an Earth Day because he wa

43、nted people to .A. have fun togetherB. remember him for everC. care for the environmentD. thank the government53. The fifth paragraph mainly tells us that .A. why people stop pollutionB. how people celebrate Earth DayC. when people plant new treesD. where people deal with rubbish54. Which of the fol

44、lowing is TRUE?A. The Clear Air Act was passed before 1970.B. John McConnell is good at designing flags.C. Earth Day takes place in April every year.D. Natural colors are only used for Earth Day. 55. What is the best title of the passage?A. Planet SymbolsB. Earth DayC. Environmental ProblemsD. The E

45、PA试卷II (非选择题共40分)五、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。around refuse miss magazine cool56. We asked her to help us, but she .57. You look really with these sunglasses.58. He enjoys reading books and when he is free.59. Rita opened the door and found Dick walking outside.60.1 began to m

46、y family soon after I arrived in London.B.阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 The city of New York was 61 ( 度)the capital of the United States. It has been the countrys largest city 62 (自从)1790. The history of the city is very 63 (短的).Its only about 300 years old.The Statue of Liberty (自由女神像)has greeted millions of people from other c


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