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1、Unit 7How much are these socks?,技巧借鉴,任务阅读,课本链接,针对训练,课文点津,妙笔生花,写作范文,写作指导,尖子生语法探究,基数词,七年级英语上 新目标 人,基数词,1.定义: 表示数量的数词,如one,two,threeninety等。 2.特点: 基数词与可数名词连用,除了one后面用单数外,其余基数词后面接复数名词。 3.基数词1100列表如下:,4.基数词的记忆口诀: 基数词表量很容易,一到十二逐个儿记。 十三到十九词尾加上teen,thirteen, fifteen, eighteen变形异; 几十后面加ty, twenty,thirty是例外;

2、forty没有字母u,fifty,eighty是例外; 十位个位“几十几”,连词符号不能丢。,(1)112这12个数词要单独记忆,它们是one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine, ten,eleven,twelve。,(2)1319都是以“个位数+teen”构成,并且重音都在teen上。同时要特别注意thirteen(13),fifteen(15),eighteen(18)这三个数字的拼写。,(4) 20以上两位数的基数词,十位数与个位数之间用连词符号“-”连接, 如:twenty-two(22),forty-five(45)等。,(3) 20,

3、3090都是以“个位数+ty”构成,但应注意twenty(20), thirty(30), forty(40),fifty(50), eighty(80)的特殊性。,5.常用基数词的情况。 (1)生活中的数词,如:Lesson One/the first lesson(第一课),Bus No.3/the No.3 bus (3路公共汽车),Room 302(302房间),Page 457(第457页),及电话号码、数字运算、小时、点钟、分钟、秒钟都要用基数词。,He became a famous singer when he was in his fifties.他五十多岁的时候成了一位著名

4、的歌手。,(2)表示“几十年代或几十岁”时,用整十的基数词的复数形式。,This took place in the 1930s.这发生在20世纪30年代。,(3)“基数词-单数名词-形容词”或“基数词-单数名词”的复合形容词作定语、表语时不用连词符且名词用复数。 a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩 two-hour walk步行两小时的路程,She is five years old.她五岁了。,返回,.看图写数字,1. 2.,twelve,forty,3. 4.,fifteen,thirteen,5.,twenty-nine,6.two+eight= 7.five+sev

5、en= 8.twenty-seven= 9.ten+five= 10.ten+eight= 11.twenty-five= 12.twenty+ten= 13.thirteen-two=,.用英文数字填空,ten,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen,fifteen,thirty,eleven,14.(2015绥化中考)Whats five and seven? Its . A.twelveB.twentyC.thirty-five,.单项填空,A 提示:考查数词。由常识可知为12,故选A。,5+7=12,15. (宜宾中考) If a = 3 and b = 4,

6、whats the answer to the problem: a + b + 1 =? The answer is . A.twelveB.nine C.eightD.seven,返回,C提示:考查数字计算。a=3, b=4 , a+b+1=8, 故选C。,3+4+1=8,Welcome to Sunshine Clothes Store Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices.We have all kinds of clothes in our st

7、ore.Do you,关于促销的海报,want T-shirts for boys or girls?We have them in all colors.Do you need shoes for sports or school?We have them in white,black,green and red for only 30 yuan.Please come to Sunshine Clothes Store!,【词汇积累】all kinds of 各种各样的,返回,本单元的阅读是关于促销海报的,在阅读的过程中要注意技巧,需要明确的事项如下:,返回,1.从标题中明确海报内容; 2

8、.弄清不同物品的不同价格; 3.从阅读题目中找出该题在文中的对应内容,先掌握大致内容,再逐个分析,找出正确答案; 4.注意广告语言的特点。,1.How much are the green sweaters? _ 2.Are the black trousers for boys $22? _,针对本单元Section B 2b 的内容回答下列问题。,They are $15.,Yes,they are.,3.How much are the shorts? _ 4.Are the jackets $20? _ 5.How much are the black shoes? _,返回,How

9、much,They are $ 16.,No,they arent.,They are $ 28.,如何写广告,下面是一家服装店的广告,请你配上一段话帮助店员 (shop assistant) 宣传。词数:40左右。 Hualian Clothes Store,【思路点拨】,引出话题,Come and buy clothes at Hualian Clothes Store!,发出号召,Welcome to,商品介绍,Do you like,返回,【单元参考句型】,Come and buyatClothes Store! Do you like? Its onlyand its very ni

10、ce. Theseare only Welcome to,Come and buy clothes at Hualian Clothes Store!Do you like this sweater?Its only $21 and its very nice.These socks are only $3.This cap is only $8.These shorts are only $6.These trousers are only $19. Welcome to Hualian Clothes Store.,【名师点评】,文章符合商品促销广告的写法。结构紧凑,主题鲜明。祈使句和一般

11、疑问句的使用使文章富有变化。,返回,本单元的写作任务是写商品促销广告或海报。在写作时,应该注意以下几点:,返回,1.开头:点明店铺名称;,2.详细介绍:销售的商品、商品的优势和价格;,3.结尾:宣传性文字。,根据短文内容完成下列各题,Hello,everyone! Today is Lucky Stores sixth birthday.(A)We have many things at very good prices. Do you like sports bags? We have sports bags in all colors for $ 12.Do you need clothe

12、s for sports? We,have great sports clothes for $ 36.For young boys and girls,we have sweaters in red,yellow and other colors for only $ 16.All the goods halved their prices during this activity.So the prices are really low.Please come and see for yourself. You can get a free present. It is a .Good .

13、 Good luck to you.,【词汇积累】goods商品 during this activity在此次活动期间free present免费的礼物,1. 把A处的句子翻译成汉语。 2. How long is the store here?,我们的许多物品价格非常合理。,Six years.,返回,3. 根据实际情况回答。 You only have $15.Can you buy a bag and a red sweater at last? 4.The underlined word “low” in the passage means “”in Chinese.( ) A.高的B.低的 C.好的D.差的 5.You come to the Lucky Store.What present can you get?( ) A.A key ring. B.A bag.C.A sweater.D.$ 1.,Yes,I can.,B,A,


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