


1、m ueiuoj pue 冋9 luapue eq; jo sjom eoissep eq;pappoiu eq 018J8M ane e;l jo siiuoj 2屮 ppq sispissepoaN Ml luspissepoau se。

2、Shelleys greatest achievement is his fouract poetic drama, . A. Antony and Cleopatra B. Measure for Measure C. Too True 。

3、Sonnet 18 amp; Sonnet 29,William Shakespeare,Shakespeares sonnets, or simply The Sonnets, is a collection of poems in so。

4、William Shakespeare15641616,The Life and Works,The Portrait of William Shakespeare,Life Story,Shakespeare was born in St。

5、1. The nationalepic of the AngloSaxons is .A Robi n HoodBSir Gawai nan d the Gree n KnightCThe Canterbury Tales D Beowul。

6、I Wan dered Lon ely as a CloudBy William Wordsworth1I wandered Ionely as a cloud我好似一朵孤独的流云,SimileThat floats on high o39。

7、精品文档I Wan dered Lon ely as a CloudBy William Wordsworth11 wandered Ionely as a cloud 我好似一朵孤独的流云 ,Simile That floats on h。

8、精品文档I. Multiple Choice1. Generally speaking, the Renaissancerefers to the period between the thand mid17th centuries.A 1。

9、精品文档Instructions : This examination consists of 5 parts , and the total time for the examination is 2 hours. All the ans。

10、精品文档1romanceRomance, which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular。

11、精品文档1. The national epic of the AngloSaxons is .A Robin HoodB Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC The Canterbury TalesD Beo。

12、Thomas HardyTess of the DUrbervilles1. How does Tess react to Clare 39; suggestion that they should leave their shelterW。

13、Alexander PopeAn Essay on Man know then thyselfThe poem is written in iambic tetrameter, every two line have the same th。

14、seiuoqi gWON seiuoqi vaouessieua qsi6u3 eq; uiojesuei snoiuej e ou si 14 v pue6u3 jo ue eq; 01 6uog quiunnv oL 9pnojd ou。

15、I. Each of the following below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would bet complete the state。

16、精品文档Instructions : This examination consists of 5 parts , and the total time for the examination is 2 hours. All the ans。

17、The Impact of Hans Christia n An derse n on Victoria n Ficti onJacqueli ne Ban erjee, PhD, Con tributi ng Editor, UKThis。

18、William Wordsworth,WILLIAM WORDSWORTHS LIFE STORY,Early life and education He was born in April 7th 1770, in England His。

19、George Gordon, Lord Byron,1788 1824,George Gordon Byron was born in London on 22nd of January, 1788. His father was Engl。

20、,ATONEMENT,by Ian McEwan,08英语2班 张丽梅 唐钊霜 牙美莹 徐润桃 吴蝉栖,.About The Author .Summary of Atonement .Character analysis .The rel。

21、Part I: the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066) 1. Historical background The early inhabitants in the island we now call England were Britons , a tribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name Br。

22、 英国文学史及选读 刘丹翎 Week 4: John Keats (1795-1821) I. Teaching Objective 1. The students need to know the background information of Keats; 2. the students are to learn about Keats 。

23、英国文学多媒体教学手段中的认知负荷调节的论文 英国 负荷 认知 教学手段 调节 英国文学多媒体教学手段中的认知负荷调节的论文 本文关键词:英国,负荷,认知,教学手段,调节 英国文学多媒体教学手段中的认知负荷调节的论文 本文简介:关键词:多媒体;认知负荷;英国文学摘要:认知负荷理论把工作记忆的限制性看作学习的主要障碍。在英国文学课程教学内容的内在认知负荷相对固定的前提下,应该在多媒体教学手段的设计和。

24、A Brief Revision Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer is the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. Chaucers language, now call。

25、,If winter comes, can spring be far behind?,Percy Bysshe Shelley,1,content,His Life,His work,Ode to the West Wind,2,01,His Life,CONTENT,Famous British writer One of the best English poets,3,Pe。

26、1,George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950,When a thing is funny, search it for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw,Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the。

27、A Brief History of English Literature,William Wordsworth (1770 1850),William Wordsworth (1770 1850),William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to la。

28、,William Wordsworth,William Wordsworth (1770-1850),One of the most accomplished and influential of Englands romantic poets One of the Lake Poets: William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert。

29、Key Points in Chapter 17,Arthur Hugh Clough Gerard Manley Hopkins Edward Fitzgerald The Aesthetic Movement,Arthur Hugh Clough(1819-1861),Introduction The shepherd poet in Mathew Arnolds elegy, Thyrsis。

30、The modern period: The Renaissance,Background Socially, broke up feudal relations, established the foundations of capitalism. Economy developed quickly; politically absolute monarchy was formed; king 。

31、I TOPIC: Sonnet 18,II OBJECTIVES: A)Introduction to poetry B)Introduction to sonnet C)Study of Sonnet 18 D)Assignment,Definition of Poetry,* distinctive style and rhythm; a genre of literature. * 。

32、William Shakespeare (15641616),“All the world s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players.” William Shakespeare,William Shakespeare(15641616),1.His life 2.His literary career 3.Features of h。

33、,CrossingtheBar 渡过沙洲,Alfred Tennyson,Background information Crossing the bar Poem analysis Artistic feature,Alfred Tennyson,Tennyson is the representative poet of Victorian age( Poet Laureate of th。

34、Addison and Steele,Good friends and intimate partners in literary career,background,1.18th Century England:after the “Glorious Revolution”, England witnessed unprecedented technical innovations called。

35、British literature,c. Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period. It has developed the characterist。

36、Charles Lamb (17751834),Charles Lamb,1775,1789,1796,1834,Youth and schooling,Family Tragedy,Major Works,Features of Essays,Youth and Schooling,Charles Lamb was born in London in 1775. His father, 。

37、Part I: the Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066) 1. Historical background The early inhabitants in the island we now call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name 一Britain, the land of Britons, who were a primitive people living in the tribal society. After the fall of the Roman Empire (410AD) and the withdrawal of Roman troops, the Teutonic tribes, esp., the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, conquered the island and called it Angle-land, then England ? 2. Liter。

38、专八人文英国文学复习资料 1、Geoffrey Chaucer 杰佛利 ?乔叟1340-1400 Troilus and Criseyde 特罗 勒斯与克丽西德小说: The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集(最早人 文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人,英诗歌之父) 2、William Shakespeare 莎士比亚1564-1616 The Tempest 暴风雨 ; The Two Gentlemen of Veronaz 维罗纳二绅士 ; The Mercy Wives of Windsor 温 莎的风流妇人 ;Measure for Measure 恶有恶报 ; The Comedy of Errors 错中 错;Much Ado about Nothing 无事自扰; Loves Labours Lost 空爱 一场; A Midsummer Nigh。

39、SWPU 英国文学选读期末复习资料 By Abby, Bess and Jane The Norman Period (1066?1350)诺曼时期 I.Historical Background A.1066一England invaded and conquered by a Germanic People B.Battle of Hastings 黑斯廷斯战役一The last Saxon King Harold was defeated by Duke William of Normandy C? Norman一a form of “Norsemen“ or “Northmen D.The Duke of Normandy was a subject to the king of France E.Duke William claimed himself William I, King of England F.Claimed himself as the sole owner of all of the land in 。

40、试题及答案1 Part One: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (151 = 15 ) 1. Linguistics studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 2. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks. 3. Language is culturally transmitted while animal call systems are genetically transmitted. 4. Language is a simple entity with multiple layers and facets. 5. The classifi。

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