The Romantic Period 英国文学

英国文学史与选读 讲座课件,汤富华 2004年3月,通过作品找意境,通过中西文学对比,让文学课升华至文化课,让我们的学生成为自己的主人。,Early and Medieval English Literature,Geoffrey Chaucer, the founder of English po

The Romantic Period 英国文学Tag内容描述:

1、英国文学史与选读 讲座课件,汤富华 2004年3月,通过作品找意境,通过中西文学对比,让文学课升华至文化课,让我们的学生成为自己的主人。,Early and Medieval English Literature,Geoffrey Chaucer, the founder of English poetry, was born, about 1340, in London. He was the son of a wine merchant who had connections with the court.,Francis Bacon,“Of Studies”,Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring, for ornament, is in discourse; and。

2、I SAW THEE WEEPI saw thee weepthe big bright tearCame oer that eye of blueAnd then,methought,it did appearA violet dropp。

3、On Major Schools of British LiteratureThe British literature has a long history. In this process, literature has infecte。

4、精品文档Instructions : This examination consists of 5 parts , and the total time for the examination is 2 hours. All the ans。

5、Alexander PopeAn Essay on Man know then thyselfThe poem is written in iambic tetrameter, every two line have the same th。

6、William Shakespeare15641616,The Life and Works,The Portrait of William Shakespeare,Life Story,Shakespeare was born in St。

7、,William Wordsworth,William Wordsworth (1770-1850),One of the most accomplished and influential of Englands romantic poets One of the Lake Poets: William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert。

8、British literature,c. Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period. It has developed the characterist。

9、20世纪英国文学,老一代作家:坚持民主主义和人道主义立场,遵循批判现实主义创作原则。 新生代作家:揭示现代文明对人性的扼杀,作品贯穿作家艰苦的思想探索过程。,高尔斯华绥 John Galsworthy,1867-1933,英国现实主义文学传统最优秀的继承者和最多产的作家之一,生活在现代主义文学崛起的年代,但仍坚持传统的创作方法。 诺贝尔文学奖获得者。,福赛特世家三部曲,写了“福赛特一家的死亡和崩溃过程” 高尔基 有产业的人:索米斯、伊琳、波辛尼 骑虎:索米斯、伊琳、小裘里安、芙蕾、乔恩 出租:芙蕾、乔恩、迈克尔,福赛特主义(性格): 。

10、Judging the social visage development from the history of English literature(从文学史看到英国社会的变迁)AbstractA certain period of culture is the reaction of a period of economic and political. literature belongs to the category of culture. Further more literature is also a significant part of culture. Chinese historian usually analyse the style or other characteristic of ancient literary works in the exact period so that they could get some information about economy, politics, humanrism, even 。

11、英国文学概况,分期与特色以七十年代为界 “英国杰出的一代小说家” 萨克雷、狄更斯、勃朗特姊妹、盖斯凯尔夫人 哈代,萨克雷 名利场 副标题: “没有主人公(英雄)的小说”,勃朗特姐妹,夏洛蒂:简爱 谢莉 爱玛 艾米莉呼啸山庄 安妮阿格尼丝格雷,夏洛蒂 勃朗特 简爱,首先,这是一位充满反抗意识和挑战精神的女性,反抗陈规旧俗,挑战人们习以为常的观念。 决不为活着而卑躬屈膝 具有很强的表现欲和反抗欲 其次,这是一位追求男女平等的先驱者,更是追求平等爱情的实践者 保持女性的尊严与人格 强调平等第一爱情第二,结论:,这是一个有闪光个。

12、The winter comes, can Spring be far behind?,Percy Bysshe Shelley,famouce English romantic poet,talented lyric poet,One of the best aritists of us all William Wordsworth,Without exception the best and least selfish I ever known Byron,In 1792, born of noble blood at Fieldplace in Sussex. In 1810, entered Oxford University after graduating from Eton. In 1811, wrote an anti-religious pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism. . In 1812, got married with Harriet, went to Ireland and 。

13、,Selected readings In English And American Litercatures Tracy_0823,Part one Old and Medieval English Literature,1. Old English Poetry and “Beowulf”(贝尔武夫) “Beowulf ” the national epic of the Anglo-Saxon and English people Alliteration( 头韵) 2.Middle English Literature and the Canterbury Tales The Romance( describing the life and adventures of a noble hero) Geoffrey Chaucer the “father of English poetry”, “The Canterbury Tales” is Chaucers masterpiece (stories narrated by Pilgrims) h。

14、InstructionsThis examination consistsof 5 parts , and the total time for theexamination is 2 hours. All the answers shou。

15、A Brief History of English Literature,William Wordsworth (1770 1850),William Wordsworth (1770 1850),William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to la。

16、,Jonathan Swift ( 1667-1745 ),introduce,Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose A famous satirical novelist of England in the 18th Century, he won his reputation by his artistic irony, vivid language and simple style. Swift is a master satirist .Even Today, he is still regarded as a national hero in Ireland.,Introduce,Jonathan swift ,a posthumous child(遗腹子),was born in Dublin ,of a poor English family, and he was compelled to accept aid from relatives ,who gave it grudgingly。

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