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1、1.I read Bills blog on the internet and Id like (C ) his e-friend.A. be B.being C.to be D.been解释:would like to do sth.想要做某事。我在网上读了比尔的博客,想跟他做网友。2. My favorite hobby is ( B) with my brother.A. play B.playing C.to playing D.plays解释:be动词+Ving。我最大的爱好是和弟弟玩儿。3. I like making ( B ) with happy girls.A. frien

2、d B.friends C.friendly D.some friend解释:make friends with 与.交朋友。我喜欢与快乐懂得女孩交朋友。4. Do you live a house close ( A) a park?A. to B.from C.with D.for解释:close to 与.紧挨着。你住的房子和公园离得近吗?5. Why are you reading the blog? Yes.From the blog, I learn (D ) a famous star.A. for B.with C.to D.about解释:learn about 学习到,了解

3、到。-你为什么在读博客?-是的,从博客中,我了解了一位明星。6. ( A)shall we meet? Lets meet at 8 oclock.A. What time什么时间 B.Where在哪儿 C.Why 为什么 D.Who 谁解释:从答句可知是询问时间的,故选择A.-我们什么时候见面?-8点。7. ( C)can I do it? After class.A. What B.How C.When D.Where解释:-我什么时候可以做?(询问时间用when)-下课后。8. (A )are you often late for school?Because my home is to

4、 far away from our school.A. Why B.When C.Where D.How解释:-你为什么上学总是迟到?-因为我家离学校远。Why 为什么,because 因为。9. (A )keys are these?Maybe they are Jennys.A. Whose B.When C.Where D.How解释:-这些钥匙是谁的?-大概是詹妮的。由答句可知是问物品的所属,故用whose(谁的)提问。10. (B )is the table? About two meters. A How far 多远 B.How long 多长 C How many 多少 D.

5、How much 多少解释:-这张桌子有多长?-大概2米长。 11. Justin Bieber is( A)Canadian singer and he has lots of fans.A. a B.an C.the D./解释:a用在辅音字母前,按用在元音字母前,the特指这一个。贾斯汀比伯是名加拿大歌手,他有很多粉丝。12. Do you know the man in blue?Yes.Hes ( A ) professor of ( ) university.A. a;a B.a;an C./;an D./;the解释:-你知道那个穿蓝衣服的男的吗?-知道,他是大学里的一名教授。p

6、rofessor和university都是辅音字母开头,所以用a。13. English is ( B) international language.A. a B.an C./ D.the 解释:英语是门国际语言。international开头是元音字母,所以用an。14. Yao Ming was (A ) NBA star.A. an B.a C./ D.the 解释:姚明是位NBA明星,N开头用an15. What should I buy for Tom? What about ( A) camera ?He loves taking photos.A. a B.an C.the D

7、./解释:camera辅音字母开头用a。-我应该给汤姆买什么呢?-相机怎么样?他喜欢拍照。16. My dream is to be (B ) English teacher .What about yours?I want to be ( ) scientist.A. a;a B.an;a C.an; an解释:English是元音字母开头用an;scientist是辅音字母开头用a。 我的梦想是当一名英语老师,你的呢?-我想做一名科学家。17. How do you usually go to school,Mandy?I go to school ( A) bike.A. by B.on

8、 C.at解释:by bike 骑自行车。-你通常怎么去学校?-骑自行车。18. Whats your sisters (C)? She likes dancing.A.dream 梦想 B.subject学科 C.hobby爱好解释:-你妹妹的爱好是什么?-她喜欢跳舞。19. I usually study with my ( B)sister. She helps me a lot.A. high B.elder C.hobby解释:我经常和我的姐姐一起学习,她帮了我很多。elder sister(姐姐)。20. I am ( C) China.Where are you from?I (

9、 )Japan.A. from;from B.come from;from C.from;come from解释:表示来自的短语:be from;come from.-我来自中国,你呢?-我来自日本。21. I have a good friend ( A)Helen.She has long hair.A. named B.names C.name解释:sb. named +名字,某人叫什么。我有一个好朋友叫海伦,她留着长头发。22.My mother is a(an) (A ).She works in the hospital near home.A.nurse护士 B actor 演员

10、 C.engineer工程师解释:我的妈妈是名护士,她在家附近的医院工作。23.( )do you join the tennis club?Because I want to be a tennis player .A. What B .Why C.How解释:why+because,-你为什么加入网球俱乐部?-因为我想成为一名网球运动员。24. Sallys home is ( C)her school. It takes her an hour to get to school.A. near B.close to C far away from解释:萨利家离学校远,去学校花她一个小时。

11、由一个小时可知是far away from(远)。25. ( C)He is tall and has two big eyes.A. How is your friend?B What does your friend do ?你的朋友是做什么的C.What does your friend look like?解释:有答句可知是问外貌的,所以选C。26. Most students (A )home after school,but some of them dont.A. go B.goes C.going D.gone 解释:由students是名词复数形式后面用原型go,大部分学生放

12、学后回家,只有少部分不。27. My father (C )Maths.He is a junior high school teacher.A. teach B.teacher C.teaches D.teachers解释:my father第三人称单数用teaches。我的父亲教数学,他是一名高中老师。 28. Classes always ( A) at 8:00.A. start B.starts C.started D.starting解释:classes名词复数用动词原型,课早上8点开始。29. Mr.Jiang always ( B) me ( )my homework.A. h

13、elp;in B.helps;with C.help;to D.helps:by解释:Mr.Jiang 第三人称用单数helps;help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事。江老师经常帮助我写作业。30. I improve my English by ( C) a diary in English.A. keep B.keeps C.keeping D.kept解释:by+Ving。Keep a diary坚持写日记。我通过坚持写日记来提高我的英语。31. What( A)you busy with these days? I ( )busy doing my homework.A. a

14、re;am B.do;am C.is;do D.are;are解释:be的形式:you are;I am。 be busy with doing 忙于做某事。-这些天你再忙什么呢?-我在忙着写作业。32. How often (C )your father ( ) a talk with you ? Almost every day.A. does;has B.do;has C.does;have D.is;having解释:father第三人称单数用does,助动词does后用动词原型have。-你的父亲多久和你交流一次?-几乎每天。33. What (D )your uncle do? H

15、e ( )a teacher in a middle school.A. does;does B.is;is C.is;does D.does;is解释:do前面需加上助动词才能提问,uncle第三人称所以用does。Be+名词,a teacher前加is-你的叔叔是做什么工作的?-他在中学里当老师。34. ( B)Tina and Tom go to the same school? No,they ().A. does;dont B.do;dont C.does;doesnt D.do;doesnt解释:Tina和Tom去的是同一所学校吗?不是。两个人,是复数。35.( C ) your

16、mother ( )lunch in her company?No,she()lunch at home.A. Has;/;has B.Does;have;have C.Does;have;has D.Does;has;has解释:-你妈妈在公司吃午饭吗?-不,她在家吃。36. ( B) does Peter go to the cinema?Almost every week because he enjoys watching films.A. How long B.How often C.How much D.How many解释:由答句每周可知是问频率多久的,用how often提问。

17、-皮特多久去次电影院?-几乎每周都去因为他喜欢看电影。37. Why does your mother ( A)get up so early?Because she has to get our breakfast ready every morning. A always总是 B.never从不 C.seldom很少 D.sometimes 有时解释:为什么你妈妈早上总起那么早?-因为她早上起来得做早饭。38. Do you (B )walk to school?Yes,( ).I live close to our school.A. often;never B.usually;alwa

18、ys B. C.seldom;always D.always;seldom解释:由答句yes可知,前后应该是一致的,所以选B usually,always39. How often do you send an email to your cousin? ( C).A. Last week 上周 B.For a month C.Once a month D.Next week下周解释:how often 是问频率的。-你多久给你的表姐发一封邮件?-一月一次。40. Would you want to be a teacher when you grow up? Im afraid I can

19、(C ) be a teacher.Im not a very patient person.A. seldom B.ever C.never D.always解释:-你长大了想当一名老师吗?-恐怕我永远也做不了老师,因为我并不是一个耐心的人。Be afraid恐怕41. Why do so many students enjoy Mr Zhangs classes?Because his classes are ( ) full of fun.A. always B.never C.hardly ever D.sometimes解释:-为什么很多学生都喜欢张老师的课?-因为他的课总是很好充满

20、乐趣。42. When do you usually ( A)? At6:30a.m.Then I wash my face and brush my teeth.A .get up起床 B.go to school去学校 C.go home回家 D.go to bed上床睡觉解释:-你通常几点起床?-6:30,然后洗脸刷牙。43. Who usually helps you ( C)your homework? My sister.She is a Grade 9 student.A. for B.on C.with D.in解释:help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事44. ( B

21、)do you have a P.E.lesson? Twice a week.A. How many B.How often C.How long D.How much解释:提问频率how often45. Are you good at playing( B)football or playing( )piano?A. a;the B./;the C./;a解释:玩球类中间不加冠词,乐器类中间加定冠词the46. What ( C)Anne usually do before she goes to school? She usually ( ) some reading.A. does;

22、do B.do;does C.does;does 解释:Anne第三人称用单数。 47. ( A)does Wendy go to school? She goes to school ( ) car.A. How;by B.What;with C.How;in解释:询问方式用how,by car乘小汽车。48. Jacks school is close to his home,( C )he always walks to school.A. and B.but C.so 解释: 表示因果关系用so,杰克家离学校很近,所以他步行去学校。49. History is her favorite

23、 subject.She ( c)learning it.A. doesnt like B.enjoy C.enjoys解释:历史是她最喜欢的科目,所以她很喜欢学习。enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事。50. Does David always do his homework by himself? No,he ( C ) does it.A. usually B.always C.never解释:大卫经常自己做作业吗?-不,他从不做作业。51. ( B)do your family go to the cinema? Nearly twice a month.A. How long

24、B.How often C.How many times解释:询问频率。52. Do you enjoy ( A)your school friends? Yes, I ( ).A. meeting;do B.meeting;am C.meet;do解释:enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事。Do引导的一般疑问句回答用Yes,I do./NO,I dont.53. When do their morning classes start and end? They are (A )8:00 ( )11:40.A. from;to B.from; at C.between; to解释:fro

25、m.to.从什么时候到什么时候between.and.和-你们上午的课几点开始,几点结束?-从8点到11点40.54. Look at that boy!( C ) he is!A. What tall B.How a tall C.How tall解释:感叹句形式:what a/an +名词+主系结构,或者how+形容词+主系结构55. We must protect the Earth (C ) our future.A. in B.to C.for D.with解释:表示目的用for,我们必须为了我们的未来而保护地球。56. All plants (A ) air and water.A

26、. need B.needs C.grow D.grows解释:所有的植物都需要空气和水。plants为复数。57. Forests ( A) us with wood and fruit.A. provide B.provides C.is provided D.providing解释:provide sb. with sth.提供给某人某物。森林为我们提供了木头和水果。58.It is important for people and animals ( C )harmoniouslyA. live B.living C.to live D.lived解释:it is important

27、for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人很重要。人和动物和谐相处很重要。59. Dont ( D ) dirty things ( )the river.A. go;into B.make;to C.let;in D.put ;into解释:put.into 把什么倒入什么中,不要把脏东西倒入河里。60. There ( B )many animals on the island. Youre right.A. have B.are C.is 解释:there be 句型表示这儿有的意思。Animals 为复数形式,所以用are61. Look!There ( C )some ( )on

28、 the floor. Why not pick them up?A. is;child B.is;water C.are;boxes解释:看,地上有些盒子!-你怎么不捡起来呢?62. Oh,there ( B )enough water for us to drink. It doesnt matter.Lets go to buy some.A. is B.isnt C.are 63. Whats in the box? ( B ) some orange juice.A. It is B.There is C.Have 解释:there be句型。橙汁是不可数名词,所以用is64. Ho

29、w many days ( C ) there in a week? ( ) are seven days.A. are;They B.is;There C.are;There解释:-一周有几天?-7天。days 为复数,用are。65.Do you want ( A) banana? No,I dont.In fact,I want ( ) orange.A. a;an B.a;a C.an;a解释:banana辅音字母开头用a,orange元音字母开头用an66. The baby is six months old and he has two (C )now.A. tooth B.to

30、oths C.teeth解释:牙齿复数形式为tooth-teeth67. Are there (C ) books in the box? No,there arent.But there are ( ) clothes in it.A. some;some B.some;any C.any;some解释:any用在疑问句中,some 用在肯定 句中。-盒子里面有书吗?-没有,里面有些衣。68. There are three ( B) on the table.A. bottle of milk B.bottles of milk C.bottle of milks解释:牛奶为不可数名词,必

31、须用一杯两杯来计数,而杯是可数的,所以选B69. There ( C ) a computer and two pens on the desk.A. have B.has C.is解释:there be 句型遵循就近原则,a computer所以用is70. What can we do to protect ( C )Earth?A. a B.an C.the解释:专有名词前用the。 71. We often have a ( B)at the beginning of the class.A. pattern模式 B.quiz测验 C.ride骑车解释:上课前我们经常进行测验。72.

32、This room is too small for us.We need a(an) (C )one.A. small B.own C.large解释:房间很小,我们需要一间大点的。73. Whats in the food bag? There (A )some bread and two cakes in it.A. is B.are C.has解释:面包为不可数名词,所以用单数形式。74. People cut down lots of trees every years.We must ( ) something to stop that.A. does B.does C.do 解释

33、:must后用动词原型。人们每年砍掉很多树,我们必须阻止。75. I know the ( B ) that he is the writer of this book.A. dream B.fact C.story解释:由that引导的从句“他是这本书的作者”可知这是一个事实。76. I think ( B ) is interesting for us ( ) basketball.A. it;play B.it;to play C.that;to play解释:it is +形容词+to do sth.77. I have ( A ) friends in the new classes

34、.I often feel lonely.A. few B.a few C.little解释:few和a few修饰可数名词名词,little和a little修饰不可数名词。few和little表示否定,a few和a little表示肯定。78. Dont ( A )your fingers ( )your mouth.Its bad for your health.A.put;into B.look;into调查 C.go;into进入解释:不要把你的手指放到嘴里,对身体不好。79. What (C ) can we do to make the air clean? We must a

35、sk people ( ) coal.A. other;not burn B.else;not burn C.else;not to burn解释:what else还有什么;ask sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人做某事-为了让空气变干净,我们还能做什么?-我们课以让人们不再烧煤。80. The weather in the middle and east of China is different ( C)that in the north.A. of B.to C.from解释:be different from与什么不同。中国中东部的气候和北方的不同。81. There i

36、s always (B )snow in the north of China in winter.A. big B.heavy C.large解释:形容雨雪大的时候用heavy.82. I always eat ( C)nice food in my grandparentshome.A. many B.few C.lots of 解释:形容很多用lots of。83. Children always ( C) red packets during the Spring Festival.A. make B.do C.get 解释:春节的时候孩子们都会收到红包。84. He (A)too m

37、uch time ( )the computer game.A. spends;on B.puts;into C.throws;away解释:spend +时间+on+sth.他在电脑游戏上花了很多时间。85. Whats your brother like? He is ( B).A. a driver B.very friendly C.my friend解释:-你的弟弟怎么样?-他非常友好。86. Why not buy the shirt? Im afraid it is too (C ).A. much B.little C.expensive昂贵解释:-为什么不买这件短袖?-我怕它

38、太贵。87. Its very hot.Could you keep the door (A )? Sure.A. open B.opening C.opens解释:keep sth.+形容词。-外面非常热,你能开着门吗?-当然88. I got the last ticket to Jay Chous concert. What a ( B)guy you are.A. lazy懒 B.lucky幸运 C.bad坏解释:-我买到了周杰伦演唱会的最后一张票。-你太幸运了。89. Which season do you think is the ( B)to plant trees? Of co

39、urse spring.Its wet and ( ).A. good;not B.best;warm C.bad;warm解释:-哪个季节最适合种树?-当然是春天,湿润又温暖。90. Your sister is so (B ).Is it ( )to find clothes big enough for her? Yes.She needs to spend a lot of time looking for them.A. tall;easy B.tall;difficult C.strong;important解释:-你姐姐太高了,很难找一件很大的衣服来适合她。 -是啊,她需要花很多

40、时间来寻找。91. What do you think of the cake? I like it very much.It is (A ).A. good B.terrible C.well92. The music in the supermarket sounded so (C ) that I want to leave at once.A. soft软,舒缓 B.wonderful 美妙 C.noisy吵闹解释:超市的音乐实在是太吵了,我想马上离开。93. I cant see any thing in the box because it is ( B).A. heavy B.e

41、mpty空的 C.full满的解释:我在盒子里什么都看不到,因为他是空的。94. Most children in our kindergarten like to play with Barbie girls.They look so ( B).A. nicely友好 B.happily开心 C.lovely孤单解释:幼儿园的孩子们都喜欢喝芭比娃娃玩儿,他们看起来很开心。95. Which ( C) you like best? Summer .A. sport 运动 B.school学校 C.season季节 解释:由summer可知是问季节的96. ( C)the weather ( )

42、 today ? It is cloudy.A. Whats;about B.What;look C.Whats ;like解释:whats the weather like today ?询问天气的。97. Mother can do ( A)for children. I think so .Our mothers are great.A. everything B,nothing C.something解释:-妈妈可以为孩子做一切事情。-是的,我们的妈妈都很伟大。98. Alice wants to (C )summer holiday with her parents in shang

43、hai.A.cost花费 B.pay支付 C.spend度过解释:爱丽丝想在上海和她的父母一起过暑假。99. Spring is coming and the leaves ()green.A. put放 B.feel感觉 C.turn变得解释:春天来了,叶子变绿了。 100. In summer,the Sun shines brightly and people start (A)on the beach.A. playing B.to play C.play解释:start doing sth.开始做某事101.In ( A),you can watch your children pl

44、ay in the snow.A.winter冬天 B.summer夏天 C.autumn秋天解释:在冬天,你可以看着你的孩子在雪地里玩。102.It is important for us ( C)English well.A.learning B.learn C.to learn解释:对我们来说学好英语很重要。It is +形容词+to do sth103.( B)there much rain in Shenzhen in summer?Yes,sometimes it rains ( ).A. Is;heavy B.Is;heavily C.Are;heavily解释:-深圳夏天下雪多

45、吗?-是的,有时候下的很大。雨为不可数名词,用is,同时雨雪下的大用heavily来形容。104. ( C)do you like autumn,Sue? Well,the weather is comfortable and I never feel hot ( )cold.A. How;and B.Why;and C.Why;or解释:-你为什么喜欢秋天?-天气很舒服,我既不会感到冷也不会感到热。105. Is your mum (B )nurse? No.She is ( ) engineer.A. a;a B.a;an C.an;a解释:元音字母前用an,辅音字母前用a。106. (B)water()in the swimming pool?About 5,000liters.A. How many;there is B.How much;is thereC.How much;are there解释:how many 是用来询问可


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