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1、Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report ANDROID FRAGMENTATION VISUALIZED (AUGUST 2014) Fragmentation is both a strength and weakness of the Android ecosystem, a headache for developers that also provides the basis for Androids global reach. Android devices come in all shapes and sizes, with

2、vastly different performance levels and screen sizes. Furthermore, there are many different versions of Android that are concurrently active at any one time, adding another level of fragmentation. What this means is that developing apps that work across the whole range of Android devices can be extr

3、emely challenging and time-consuming. Despite the problems, fragmentation also has a great number of benefits for both developers and users. The availability of cheap Android phones (rarely running the most recent version) means that they have a much greater global reach than iOS, so app developers

4、have a wider audience to build for. Android is successfully filling the gap left behind by the decline of Nokias Symbian and in this report we look at the different shape of fragmentation in countries from different economic positions, as a way of showing that fragmentation benefits Android much mor

5、e than it hurts it. Android is now the dominant mobile operating system and this is because of fragmentation, not in spite of it. DEVICE FRAGMENTATION 18,796 Distinct Android devices seen this year 11,868 Distinct Android devices seen last year 682,000 Devices surveyed for this report. 43% Samsungs

6、share of those devices. 20.9%Android users on KitKat 20.9% Android users on KitKat Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report We have seen 18,769 distinct devices download our app in the past few months. In our report last year we saw 11,868. This is the best way of visualizing the sheer variet

7、y of Android devices that have downloaded the OpenSignal app over the past couple of months. This graph shows the challenge that faces Android developers; over 18,000 distinct devices can immediately use their app, making optimization a real challenge. Compared to last year, fragmentation has risen

8、by around 60%, with 11,868 devices seen last year compared to 18,796 this year. Compared to our first report, in 2012, device fragmentation has more than quadrupled - with our first report showing that there were only 3,997 distinct Android devices. Another way of looking at how fragmentation affect

9、s developers is to see what % of the market is occupied by the top 10 devices - as developers generally only own a few devices to test on. Last year having the 10 most popular devices in the market would represent 21% of the devices out there, this year that number has fallen to 15% - making testing

10、 on a few devices less representative. BRAND FRAGMENTATION Samsung have a 43% share of the Android market. Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report Similar to the above graph, this shows the market divided in terms of manufacturer, with Samsung once again proving dominant. In the first fragme

11、ntation graphic Samsung had made 12 of the 13 most popular devices showing why they have a 43% share of the market. This is actually a slight reduction since the last report which showed Samsung having a 47.5% market share. Sony rank second with a 4.8% market share, showing quite how large the gap i

12、s between Samsung and second place. ANDROID OPERATING SYSTEM FRAGMENTATION The Android operating system is the most fragmented it has ever been. Device fragmentation is not the only challenge that developers face when building for Android; the operating system itself is extremely fragmented and has

13、only become more so over time. The above graph shows the relative stages of Android fragmentation, and the steady decline of any one Android version having prominence can be seen by the progress of the white line. Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report FRAGMENTATION VS GDP/CAPITA There is a

14、 clear correlation between fragmentation and GDP/Capita One of the strengths of Android fragmentation is that it allows for a great amount of freedom for device manufacturers, meaning that consumers are able to get a device that perfectly fits the specifications of their demands. This has proven esp

15、ecially valuable in allowing Android to take the place of Nokias Symbian as the go-to OS in less economically developed countries. API fragmentation is a good proxy for fragmentation in general, as older devices are typically running older version of Android as they would run less well with the more

16、 sophisticated modern versions. This graph plots GDP/capita against the market share of the top 5 Android APIs (4 versions of Android KitKat and 4.3.1 Jelly Bean) so a higher score on the y-axis is equivalent to less fragmentation. The correlation between the two is clear, with Qatar an obvious outl

17、ier owing to their immensely high GDP/capita, which does not necessarily reflect the actual material conditions of the general populace. The following bar chart breaks down the world into countries with GDP/capita $20,000 and countries where GDP/capita iPad 3) maintaining the same physical screen si

18、ze. The graphic below shows iOS screen size fragmentation, allowing for an easy comparison with Android. Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report NOTES ON METHODOLOGY The Device Fragmentation Graphic shows the 18,796 distinct device types that were present in the last 682,000 unique devices t

19、o download our app. The reason we chose 682,000 is because we wanted to make a fair comparison with the fragmentation reports from 2013 and 2012 , which were also based on a sample of 682,000 devices. The Brand Fragmentation Graphic is based on the same 682,000 devices as the device fragmentation gr

20、aphic. The API Level Fragmentation Graphic is based on data made publicly available by Google. Android Fragmentation 2014 An OpenSignal Report GDP per Capita data is from IMF data from 2013 (via Wikipedia) iOS API pie chart is based on data made publicly available by Apple. The Android Screen Size G

21、raphic is based on information from almost 10 million OpenSignal users. In this graphic we are showing physical screen size, not size in pixels. Changes in resolution at the same screen size (for example as between the iPad 3 and iPad 2) present fewer difficulties for developers than changes in phys

22、ical size. We derive the screen size by dividing the number of pixels of height and width by the pixel density (points per inch - ppi). Ideally we would use separate values for X-density and Y-density as screens are sometimes manufactured with different ppi in different directions, however Android o

23、nly gives access to one variable. Also worth noting: with rooted devices users are able to “alter” the pixel density - in reality the physical characteristics of the screen stay the same, but the Android OS thinks its running on a larger device. If you have any questions on the 2014 Fragmentation report then please contact Sam at


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