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1、culture!If you want to experience the ancient days and gread deess of English knights and ladies, princes and queens, then Englands Camelot Park is the place for you. Every are of the park is modelled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In one place, you can wat

2、ch magic shows with Meilin the Wizard. If you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting are is a good place to visit. If you do well there, King Arthur may choose you to fight in the big jousting tournament. Do you like animals? Then visit the farm are, and learn how people

3、 in ancient England rantheir farms and took care of their animals. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!Futuroscope excitement and learningLast week I took a journey deep into space, to the end of the solar system, and was pulled into a black hole. Then I took a tr

4、p to Brazil and experinced surviving an airplane crash in the jungle. After that, I joined some divers and went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that hace seen sunlight. For a break, I took part in some car racing and then skied down some of the most difficult mountains in t

5、he world. I ended my travels by meeting face to face with a dinosaur, the terrible T-Rex, and survived the experience!I did allthis in one great day at Futuroscope. Opened in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world. This science and technology-based theme park in France

6、uses the most advanced technology. Its 3-D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and the beyond. Visitors can get clost to parts of the world they have never experienced, going to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the sol

7、ar system. The amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world come to life in a completely new way for visitors. Learning centres throughout the park let visitors try their own scientific experiments, as well as learn more about space travel, t

8、he undersea world and much more.I bought time tickets for myself and my friends at the parks entrance, but tickets are also available online. Futuroscope is not only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for calss outings. Classes or other large groups that let Futuroscope

9、 know their plans in advance can get the group admission. For anyone coming from out of town, Futuroscope has many excellent hotels nearby, most of which provide a shuttle service to the park. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of freeway. Plan your trip well before starting, since Futuros

10、cope ihas so many shows, activities and great souvenir shops that it is difficult to see them all. Come ready to walk a lot be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers or other walking shoes.The Polynesian Cultural CenterSome theme parks are not only amusing but also educational. Take the Polynesian C

11、ultural Center (PCC) in Hawaii for example. It not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also protects their skills and culture for the future. Polynesia is the name given to many groups of small islands that are spread about the Pacific Ocean.The PCC is set in 42 acres of beautiful cou

12、ntryside where visitors can see seven different traditional Polynesian island villages. Villagers from many island communities come to show visitors their styles of dress and different customs. For example, you can see different skills of the villagers. You can learn how they make clothes from bark

13、and how they climb very tall trees with their bare feet or see what kind of wedding ceremonies they have. They also tell you about their social customs and show you their cooking methods and their dances.Their most important skill is boat-building, which allowed the islanders to explore all the isla

14、nds in the Polynesian Triangle. We know that in their history they were sea travellers moving from island to island. They were able to find their way using the smell of the win, the movements of the fish and seaweed, and the height and direction of the waves. They were very clever sailors. Now they

15、use those boat-building skills to make long boats and show the races and the battles that they took part in long ago. All this helps keep the skills and the technology of the island people alive.必修五Unit 1 JOHN SNOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERAJohn Snow was a famous doctor in Londonso expert, indeed, that h

16、e attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outb

17、reak. John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dan

18、gerous gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died.John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he need

19、ed evidence. So when another outbreak hit London in 1845, he was ready to begin his enquiry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighborhoods, he began to gather information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was dete

20、rmined to find out why. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had lived. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. Many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16,37, 38 and 40) . He also noticed that some houses (s

21、uch as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. He had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations. He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the pump. It seemed t

22、hat the water was to blame.Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. He immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be use

23、d. Soon afterwards the disease slowed down. He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the wa

24、ter from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow

25、 suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more. Finally “King Cholera” was defeated. COPERNICUS REVOLUTIONARY THEORYNicolaus Copernicus was frightened and his mind was confused. Although he had tri

26、ed to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. Yet he could not tell anyone about his theory as the powerful Christian

27、Church would have punished him for even suggesting such an idea. They believed God had made the world and for that reason the earth was special and must be the centre of the solar system.The problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop, move backward and

28、then go forward in the loop. Others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others. This was very strange if the earth was the centre of the solar system and all planets went round it.Copernicus had thought long and hard about these problems and tried to find an answer. He had collected observ

29、ations of the stars and used all his mathematical knowledge to explain them. But only his new theory could do that. So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete.In 1514 he showed it privately500吨日本沼虾养殖项目可行性研究报告第一章 总论 1.1 项目概要 1.1.1项目单位基本情况 项目

30、单位名称: 湖北刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司 所有制形式:股份制 财务状况简介:公司现有资产总额6748.89万元,净资产6350.72万元,资产负债率5.90%。2004年公司盈利177万元;2005 年公司盈利192万元。 1.1.2项目建设内容 项目名称:孝感市汉川市500吨日本沼虾养殖新建项目 建设性质:新建 建设地点:汉川市刁汊湖 建设规模:以公司生态高效养殖基地为基础,通过农业综合开发,引进、示范推广华中农业大学日本沼虾健康高效养殖新技术,发展日本沼虾套养面积20000亩,年商品虾500吨。 建设期限:2006年12月至2007年11 月。 主要建设内容:(1)技术引进、示范推广、人

31、员培训;(2) 新铺碎石公路7000米;(3) 添置水产排灌、增氧机械设备及产品检测仪器;(4) 疏洗沟渠12000米;(5) 延伸低压线路13000米;(6)标牌、绿化等。 1.1.4 项目建设方案 技术来源及先进性:项目引进华中农业大学“日本沼虾生物学及其增殖与捕捞技术”成果,该成果技术以中国科学院院士曹文宣先生任鉴定委员会主任,其鉴定水平整体为国内领先,增养殖与捕捞技术为国际领先。 进度安排:2006年12月至2007年3月完成土建工程及低压线路建设,2007年1月至2月完成人员培训,2007年3月至5月完成机械设备等的购置,2007年5月至11月完成虾苗投放、生产管理和商品虾捕捞销售。

32、 市场营销:项目产品使用“刁汊湖”注册商标,由刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司下属的供销分公司,通过设立在武汉、北京、上海、广州、深圳等二十多年大中城市的36个销售网点直接销售,主要销往宾馆、酒楼等大宗客户。 组织管理方案:由刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司设立的“刁汊湖生态高效养殖基地”负责日常生产管理,华中农业大学水产学院的专家和刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司龙头企业技术创新中心的技术人员提供技术支持,刁汊湖供销分公司负责产品销售。 1.1.5投资概算及资金来源 项目预计总投资524.4万元,其中固定资产投资282.4万元,流动资金237万元。资金来源:申请中央财政资金200万元,地方财政配套资金100万

33、元,项目单位自筹224.4万元。 1.1.6主要技术经济指标 项目套养成活率达85%,亩产量25公斤;可年产日本沼虾500吨,年销售收入1000万元,实现利税437.05万元。 1.2 可行性研究报告编制依据 2007年湖北省农业综合开发产业化经营项目申报指南(鄂农办发200646号);湖北省农业综合开发办公室关于2007年农业综合开发产业化经营项目申报事宜的通知(鄂农办发200655号);国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目可行性研究报告编写大纲(国农办2006224号);湖北省计委、经济委和科技厅联合编制的当前优先发展的高新技术产业化重点领域指南;撰写、算技、制表、制图均按照中华人民共和国财政部

34、国家农业综合开发办公室编制的国家农业综合开发项目和资金管理实用读本一书规定要求操作;汉川市刁汊湖500吨日本沼虾养殖改建项目建议书。 1.3 综合评价 项目建设符合国家产业政策和现代农业发展方向,对调整农业产业结构,开发利用农业资源,增强龙头企业的辐射带动能力,增加农民收入,促进项目区新农村建设等方面能起到极大的推动作用,也符合刁汊湖的自然资源条件与产业发展规划,项目采用具有国内领先水平的技术成果,经济效益十分显著,对项目区的环境不会产生影响。项目适应人民日益增长的物质生活的需求,力图缓解国内外市场虾类产品供不应求的局面。项目技术先进,产品市场潜力巨大、竞争能力强,风险小,投资少、见效快,具有

35、较为显著的经济效益和社会效益,项目方案切实可行。 建议项目建设单位抢抓机遇,克难奋进,积极争取上级部门扶持,使项目尽早建成见效。 第二章 背景及必要性 2.1 项目建设背景 国家八部委(农业部、国家计委、国家经贸委、财政部、外贸部、中国人民银行、国家税务总局、中国证券监督委员会)印发了关于扶持农业产业化经营重点龙头企业的意见(农经发20008号文件)规定:对重点龙头企业从事种植业、养殖业和农副产品加工取得的所得,按(财税字199749号)规定,暂免征收企业所得税。 2006年湖北省1号文件关于认真做好2006年农业农村工作扎实推进社会主义新农村建设的意见提出:在今后一段时间,要在板块基地、养殖

36、小区和重点龙头企业全面推行农产品安全标准和生产技术规范,通过大力发展无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机食品,提高农产品的整体质量和市场竞争力,推进社会主义新农村建设。 水产品一直是我国城乡广大居民喜爱的食物,水产养殖业作为农业经济发展的重点,被各级政府提到十分重要的位置。2003年下半年以来,在湖北省发展改革部门、农业部门及水产行业管理部门的统一部署下,全省水产品加工企业按照优势产业带划分,以特色化养殖生产、区域化集中加工的原则分布,逐步实现了资源、市场、效益的优化组合。刁汊湖作“为湖北省优势农产品生产板块”汉川市特色水产养殖板块核心示范区,实施本项目完全符合水产行业发展规划。 目前,日本沼虾在国内

37、外市场上供不应求,尤其是无公害虾产品更加走俏。我国上海、江浙一带销量最大。日本沼虾的苗种繁育及其养殖与捕捞关键技术为华中农业大学系统研究,湖北刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司的技术人员已在华中农业大学接受了培训,现已掌握了相关技术,实施本项目具有较强的技术优势。项目区水源充足,水质优良,在当年的生长期内,池塘套养日本沼虾即可达到上市规格以上,能大批量供应国内外市场。 2.2 项目建设的必要性 发展日本沼虾养殖是培育壮大优势主导产业,调整农业和农村经济结构的需要。名优鱼类养殖是世界水产养殖业的发展趋势,随着我国人民物质生活水平的不断提高,对名优名类的需求必然会日益增加。淡水名优鱼类短缺,严重制约了我国

38、淡水养殖结构调整和养殖效益的增加。近年来,刁汊湖大力发展名优水产品的繁育及养殖,获得较大成功,但仍远远不能满足市场的需求。进入新世纪,刁汊湖水产发展将步入一个腾飞时期,推广日本沼虾等名优水产品的无公害养殖,是刁汊湖培育壮大优势主导产业,调整农业和农村经济结构的战略选择。 发展日本沼虾养殖是开发利用农业资源,促进农业产业化经营,提高农民收入,带动区域经济发展的需要。日本沼虾分布广、适应性强、繁殖力高、食性杂、生长快,加之肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养丰富、蛋白质含量高,还含有人体不可缺少的多种维生素,因此深受广大消费者的欢迎。目前,湖泊、水库等大水面现有资源量远不能满足市场需要,且随捕捞力度不断加大,

39、这些水体的日本沼虾资源量日趋减少。利用池塘等各种水体采用各种方式精养日本沼虾势在必行。目前,刁汊湖6800余亩低湖田,冬春无水,夏秋浅水,易旱易渍,亩产值仅500元左右。若采取工程措施开发成日本沼虾无公害养殖基地,可使亩产值提高6倍,亩利润提高10倍,为企业增效、财政增收、渔民致富、社会获益,通过示范推广,可发展日本沼虾无公害养殖基地20万亩以上,大大促进汉川市及周边县市的水产产业化经营,带动区域经济迅猛发展。 发展日本沼虾养殖是提高农业科技含量,增强龙头企业的辐射带动能力和提高企业效益,增强服务“三农”、服务社会的能力的需要。通过实施本项目,刁汊湖可进一步完善现代企业制度,不断加大科技投入,

40、显著提高“刁汊湖”牌系列水产品及其加工制品的市场竞争力,使企业的核心竞争力和辐射带动力得到明显增强,充分发挥作为汉川市唯一一家国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业的服务“三农”、服务社会的独特作用,有力地推动全市现代农业发展和新农村建设进程。 第三章 建设条件 3.1 项目区概况 3.1.1地理位置及区域范围:刁汊湖地处汉川城区以西约2公里,介于东经11331-11342,北纬3031-3034 之间,为一个长16公里、宽6公里的矩形人工封闭式大型养殖湖泊。 3.1.2自然资源状况:项目区地属亚热带大陆性季风气候,热量丰富,雨量充沛,光照充足,雨热同步,气候温和,四季分明。全年平均降雨量为1212.5

41、毫米,平均气温16.1,日照时数1941.2小时,无霜期245天。基地水资源十分丰富,水系发达,水量多,水质好。湖内常年水资源储量7亿立方米左右,多属重碳酸盐淡水,PH值在6.5-8.5之间,一直保持着较好的渔业生态环境,非常适合发展名优鱼类的繁育及养殖。 3.1.3社会经济状况:刁汊湖现有种植、养殖面积12万亩,其中精养鱼池3.6万亩,鱼种池万亩,生态养殖3.2万亩,其它种植、养殖4.2万亩;以养殖四大家鱼为主,名特水产品主要有甲鱼、河蟹、鳜鱼等,水生植物以莲藕、莲籽、芡实为主。现有总人口13125人,其中农业劳动力7852人,项目涉及人口581人,其中农业人口573人。 3.1.4项目关联

42、产业的发展现状:刁汊湖现已建有高标准鳜鱼养殖基地、河蟹养殖基地、泥鳅繁养基地和大口鲇繁养基地,通过实施本项目建起日本沼虾养殖基地以后,刁汊湖区的特色水产品养殖基地可充分发挥“湖北省特色水产优势板块”核心示范区的辐射带动作用,为刁汊湖12万亩面积的渔业内部结构调整提供强大的动力,为汉川市乃至整个江汉平原水产行业摆脱徘徊局面、重振雄风开辟了新的路子。项目年均向社会提供优质、营养的鲜虾数百吨,在极大地满足广大消费者需求的同时,也给众多的水产品运输、销售人员开辟了新货源,为水产品运销行业注入了新活力。 3.2 项目建设条件优劣势分析 3.2.1政策环境。1989年汉川被国家农业部、湖北省政府定为全国淡

43、水渔业综合经济体制改革试验区;1997年被国家农业部列入水产品产业化示范区;1998年被国家质量技术监督局确定为全国淡水鱼标准化养殖示范区。刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司是农业产业化国家重点龙头企业,承担了孝感市水产行业的大部分试验示范任务,享受各级政府、部门一系列优惠政策扶持。 3.2.2资源优势。刁汊湖地处亚热带,气候温和,雨量充沛,雨热同步,水质良好,生态环境保持良好,水域面积大、水生生物资源丰富。湖内有共有鱼类7目20科66种,水生植物24种,浮游生物9科12属29种,底栖动物11种,这些都为发展日本沼虾生产提供了丰富的饵料资源。 3.2.3市场优势。刁汊湖紧邻武汉、孝感、仙桃等大中城市,

44、周边100公里内有超过1500万元人口,消费潜力巨大。刁汊湖有一支庞大的产品销售队伍,以刁汊湖供销公司为龙头,网络200多户运销大户和130多辆活鱼车,销售网点遍布北京、上海、广州、重庆、哈尔滨、香港等全国30多个大中城市,并有部分产品销到泰国、新加坡等东南亚国家。 3.2.4科技开发能力。项目单位现有专门从事水产高新技术研究的机构一个,拥有各类专业技术人员317人,具有中、高级技术职称的人员68人。近年来已完成上级下达的10余项水产技术开发利用工作任务。公司于1994年、1998年两次被湖北省科技厅评为星火示范企业,1998年被省、市科技部门验收为科技达标合格单位,多次被授予国家“星火计划奖

45、”及省级“星火示范企业”、“农业百强企业”等荣誉称号。2003年公司被省科技厅认定为“高新技术企业”,2005年,公司被省科技厅确认为“五个一百工程”重点企业,被孝感市科技局确认为“三五重点工程”企业;公司成人学校和水科所被省科技厅分别认定为“星火培训学校”和“星火科技示范基地”。 3.2.5基础设施条件。刁汊湖经过多年的综合治理和开发建设,水利设施,水工建筑已初具规模,四周干堤前抵御27.5米的洪水。汉川泵站一站、二站及分水泵站的建成,极大地提高了刁汊湖流域的防洪排涝抗灾能力。已建成的刁汊湖35KV变电站为刁汊湖不产生产发展提供了充足的电源。刁汊湖距武汉市中心仅54公里,水运百吨船可由沿湖四

46、大干渠经汉川船闸入汉江、长江;陆运四周干渠公路直通省道荷沙公路,上107国道只有20公里,上宜黄高速公路25公里;若想空运,个小时车程即达武汉天河机场。刁汊湖现有联通、移动GSM基站各1座,程控电话、因特网、邮政快递等业务直通全球,信息服务、产品销售均处于“武汉城市经济圈”核心区内。 3.2.6主要阻碍因素及解决方案: 主要阻碍因素:一是刁汊湖水域辽阔,开发改造任务大而形成的资金“瓶颈”;二是项目技术含量较高,自主开发存在困难。 解决方案:资金方面争取国家政策解决一部分,项目单位自筹一部分,不足部分通过投工投劳等办法解决。技术方面引进华中农业大学的研究成果,并由华中农业大学派出专家与项目单位技

47、术人员合作对日本沼虾无公害养殖技术作进一步的开发、研究、利用和推广。 第四章 项目单位基本情况 4.1 概况 湖北刁汊湖绿色水产股份有限公司是2002年由刁汊湖渔工商实业总公司、中科院水生所等五家企事业单位共同发起组建的,以绿色水产品生产为主,集水产技术研发、苗种繁育、养殖、加工、销售、服务于一体,产、学、研高度结合的现代农业企业。公司是湖北省“高新技术企业”和“农业产业化国家重点龙头企业”。公司严格按现代企业制度进行管理,公司管理层除监督各项制度的执行情况外,一律不脱离科研生产第一线;财务人员统一按新编企业会计制度规范操作,已建立“会计电算化”系统;生产人员严格按“产品质量标准”要求和企业职

48、工生产责任状规定工作,责任到岗,任务到人,分工明确,合作有力。 4.2 研发能力 项目单位现有专门从事水产高新技术研究的机构一个,拥有各类专业技术人员317人,具有中、高级技术职称的人员68人。近年来已完成上级下达的10余项水产技术开发利用工作任务。 项目技术依托单位华中农业大学是一所全国重点211综合性大学,隶属教育部,为全民所有制事业单位。学校教学、科研并重。现有中国科学院院士和工程院院士4人,61个硕士学位授予权专业,46个博士学位授予权专业,7个博士后流动站,6个国家级重点学科,18个省部级重点学科,2个国家级重点实验室,6个省部级重点开放实验室,9个国家级工程技术研究中心与育种中心。

49、“十五”头4年来,承担科研项目近1000项,已获得成果奖励近100项,通过成果鉴定近100项,研究经费已达到4亿余元。学校有300多项应用技术成果得到转化,产生了显著的经济效益和社会效益。 4.3 财务状况 截止2005年12月31日,公司资产总额约6748.89万元(其中固定资产727.83万元);实收资本5000万元,所有者权益6350.72万元, 2005年年度总收入1,085万元,净利润192万元,销售利润率为16.08%,净资产利润率为 3.02%;总负债398万元,资产负债率5.90%。银行信用等级为“AA”级。 4.4 法人代表基本情况 李祥斌,男,现年46周岁,经营管理硕士学历,历任汉川市粮油议价公司经理,汉川市粮食局副


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