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1、robot, she felt alarmed. His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed.On the second morning Tony, wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed

2、 help dressing. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.One day, Claire mentioned that she didnt think she was clever. Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by

3、a robot. But she began to trust him. She told him how she was overweight and this made her feel unhappy. Also she felt her home wasnt elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. She wasnt like Gladys Claffern, one of the richest and most powerful women around.As

4、a favor Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. She was amazed by his fingernai

5、ls and the softness and warmth of his skin. How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushion

6、s, a carpet and bedding. Then she went into a jewelry shop to buy a necklace. When the clerk at the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told the clerk to speak to him. The clerk immediately changed his attitude. Claire thanked Tony, telling him that he was a “dear”. As she turned around, t

7、here stood Gladys Claffern. How awful to be discovered by her, Claire thought. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. After all, she knew Claires husbands name was Larry, not Tony.When Claire got home, she wept with anger in her armcha

8、ir. Gladys was everything Claire wanted to be. “You can be like her,” Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. By that time, Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.Tony worked steadily on t

9、he improvements. Claire tried to help once but was too clumsy. She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest for the

10、day.The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. At that moment, Tony folded his arms around her, bending his face close to hers. She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her

11、 the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. Then the front door bell rang. Tony freed her and disappeared from sight. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. Her guests had seen everything!The women were impressed by Claire,

12、 the house and the delicious cuisine. Just before they left, Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover.Then sh

13、e rememberedTony was just a machine. She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed. She cried all night. The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away.The company was very pleased with Tonys report on his three weeks with Claire. Tony had protected a human being from harm. He had prevented Cl

14、aire from harming herself through her own sense of failure. He had opened the curtains that night so that the other women would see him and Claire, knowing that there was no risk to Claires marriage. But even though Toby had been so clever, he would have to be rebuiltyou cannot have women falling in

15、 love with machines. A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOVIsaac Asimov was an American scientist and writer who wrote around 480 books that included mystery stories, science and history books, and even books about the Holly Bible and Shakespeare. But he is best known for his science fiction stories. Asimov ha

16、d both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanations of everything, in the present and the past.Asimovs life began in Russia, where he was born on 2 January, 1920. It ended in New York on 6April, 1992, when

17、 he died as a result of an HIV infection that he had got from a blood transfusion nine years earlier.When Asimov was three, he moved with his parents and his one-year-old sister to New York City. There his parents bought a candy store which they ran for the next 40 or so years. At the age of nine, w

18、hen his mother was pregnant with her third child, Asimov started working part-time in the store. He helped out through his school and university years until 1942, a year after he had gained a masters degree in chemistry. In 1942 he joined the staff of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemist a

19、nd worked there for three years. In 1948 he got his PhD in chemistry. The next year he became a biochemistry teacher a Boston University School of Medicine. In 1958 he gave up teaching to become a full-time writer.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. He

20、 had told a friend two chapters of a story he had written. The friend thought he was retelling a story from a book. This really surprised Asimov and from that moment, he started to take himself seriously as a writer. Asimov began having stories published in science fiction magazines in 1939. In 1950

21、 he published his first novel and in 1953 his first science book.Throughout his life, Asimov received many awards, both for his science fiction books and his science books. Among his most famous works of science fiction, one for which he won an award was the Foundation trilogy (1951-1953), three nov

22、els about the death and rebirth of a great empire in a galaxy of the future. It was loosely based on the fall of the Roman Empire but was about the future. These books are famous because Asimov invented a theoretical framework which was designed to show how ideas and thinking may develop in the futu

23、re. He is also well known for his collection of short stories, I, Robot (1950), in which he developed a set of three “laws” for robots. For example, the first law states that a robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. Some of his ideas about robots later influenced other write

24、rs and even scientists researching into artificial intelligence.Asimov was married twice. He married his first wife in 1942 and had a son and a daughter. Their marriage lasted 31 years. Soon after his divorce in 1973, Asimov married again but he had no children with his second wife.Unit 3OLD TOM THE

25、 KILLER WHALEI was 16 when I began work in June1902 at the whaling station. I had heard of the killers that every year helped whalers catch huge whales. I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my won eyes many times.On the afternoon I arrived at the station, a

26、s I was sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. It was black and white and fish-shaped. But I knew it wasnt a fish.“Thats Old Tom, the

27、 killer,” one of the whalers. George, called out to me. “Hes telling us theres a whale out there for us.”Another whaler yelled out, “Rush-oorush-oo.” This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.“Come on, Clancy. To the boat,” George said as he ran ahead of me. I had already h

28、eard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way.

29、 A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again.Using a telescope we could see that something was happening. As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about si

30、x other killers.“Whatre they doing?” I asked George.“Well, its teamwork- the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it breathing. And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea,” George told me, pointing towards the hunt. And just at that mom

31、ent, the most extraordinary thing happened. The killers started racing between our boat and the shale just like a pack of excited dogs. Then the harpoon was ready and the man in the bow of the boat aimed it at the whale. He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Being badly wounded, the whale soon

32、died. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea. The men started turning the boat around to go home.“Whats happened?” I asked. “Have we lost the whale?”“Oh no,” Jack replied. “Well return tomorrow to bring in the body. It wont float up to the

33、定新乡堡堡寨村黑山羊养殖帮扶项目可行性研究报告定新乡人民政府二一一年二月二十六日目 录第一章 概述 一、编制依据二、指导思想和原则第二章 村情概况一、自然条件概况二、社会经济发展现状第三章 项目可行性研究一、项目的必要性和可行性分析二、技术方案第四章 项目投资估算一、投资估算二、资金筹措第五章 组织管理一、组织管理二、项目管理三、资金管理第六章 效益分析及市场预测第一章 概 述一、编制依据定新乡堡堡寨村是一个典型的农业村,全村农业人口1898人。境内自然资源丰富,蕴藏着大量尚未开采的优质煤炭资源。但自然条件恶劣,农业基础设施脆弱, 产业结构单一,仅靠传统农业生产,农业和农村经济发展非常滞后,自

34、然灾害频繁发生,80%的群众处在低收入的行列之中。近年来,在县委、县政府,乡党委、政府和上级有关部门的大力帮扶和重视关心支持下,该村在畜牧业等方面得到了较快的发展,在增加农民收入方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,畜牧业保持着持续、稳定、健康发展。但在发展过程中仍然面临着诸多困难和问题,表现为发展基础薄弱,起步较晚,基本属圈关粗放养殖及个体经营,没有形成整体产业化,收效甚微。二、指导思想和原则 (一)指导思想以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的十七大、十七届四中、五中全会精神和省、地、县关于加快农业产业化发展的有关精神, 深入落实科学发展观,以构建和谐社会和建设社会主义新农村为目


36、自我发展能力相结合的原则。第二章 村情概况一、自然条件概况(1)地理位置堡堡寨村位于黔西县定新乡西北面,距乡政府所在地15公里,距县城37公里,总面积9.5平方公里。东面是青杠村,西面是三好村,南面是元田村,北面是安乐村。(2)地质地貌堡堡寨村是一个山高坡陡,石山纵横,七沟八梁的少数民族聚居村,海拔1300-1370米之间。属喀斯特地质地貌。(3)气候堡堡寨村属亚热带季风性湿润气候区。年平均气温13.8-18.9,年降雨量1100毫米左右,其气候特点是:冬暖夏凉、年温差小,冬短夏长,春秋相连,雨热同季。全年日照时数1480小时,无霜期283天。(4)水文堡堡寨村水资源非常缺乏,全村范围内没有任

37、务河流通过,导致农田作物没有正常用水保障。地下水由于没有有效开采,导致村里人畜饮水困难。(5)土地资源全村有耕地1140亩,其中大于26度886亩;林地3212 亩;荒地483亩;可利用荒地450亩;人均耕地少,陡坡耕地的比例大。农作物以玉米、马铃薯、小麦、大豆等为主。矿产资源主要是煤炭,贮量大,但目前还未开采。主要土类为黄棕壤北亚热带季风湿润气候和常绿落叶阔叶混交林下发育的一种地带性土壤,为棕壤与黄壤之间的过渡类型,兼有黄壤与棕壤的某些特征。脱硅和富铝化作用弱,具有明显的生物积累过程。有机质分解缓慢,表层有机质丰富,但有效养分缺乏。特别缺磷(速磷4PPm)、钾(速钾90PPm),pH值4.3

38、-5.5,为酸性土。(6)生态环境状况全村基本为有林地,森林覆盖率31.2%。原有的乔木林和灌木林基本存在。土地使用率高,陡坡种植面积大,总体水土流失较轻,生态环境相对较好。二、社会经济发展状况(1)人口结构全村总户数513户,总人口1898人,少数民族人口933人(以彝族、苗族为主),占全村总人口的49.1 %;妇女935人,占总人口的49.3 %;总劳动力1071人,其中,文盲半文盲230人,小学文化程度611人,初中文化程度215人,高中及以上文化程度15人,其中:富余劳力868人,已输出劳力216人(男135人、女81人),其中:省内县外65人,省外151人,全年外出打工216人。育龄

39、妇女人数268人,其中孕产妇数216人,新法接生人数4人,新法接生率22 ,婴儿出生人数18人。符合政策生育率97以上,计划外生育和重男轻女现象在一些家庭仍然存在,极个别家庭相当严重。(2)经济概况全村农业总产值68.5万元,其中:农业40.5万元,牧业25.3万元。农作物总播种面积1140亩,粮食播种面积1140亩,粮食总产量622.5吨,人均占有粮328公斤。农村经济总收入398.673万元,农村经济纯收入391.9万元,农民人均纯收入2064元,农民人均纯收入1196元及以下638人,占全村人口的33.6%。目前村内没有企业。年大牲畜存栏数482头,大牲畜出栏数132头;猪存栏数542头

40、,猪出栏数215头;羊存栏数30只,羊出栏数10只;家禽存栏数1080只,家禽出栏数320只。(3)基础设施状况英雄小桥至三好、新山、安乐三个村的通村公路经过该村。境内距离5公里,村组毛道5公里;现有15个村民小组还没有通公路,9户未通电。全村大部分农户安装有自来水,只有部分农户自己安装自流水取水用。饮水困难户186户,饮水困难牲畜438头/865只。(4)社会事业发展状况该村有小学1所,教师7人。学龄儿童23人,其中:女童10人,男童13人;在校生245人,其中中学54人、小学191人,文盲人数230人,无村文化卫生室。第三章 项目可行性研究一、项目的必要性和可行性分析(1)必要性:由于该村


42、。二、技术方案(1)重点扶持户选择标准 在全村范围内选择80户具有发展潜力,基础条件较好的农户作为扶持对象,一是农户勤劳诚实,愿意通过辛勤劳动发家致富,且通过自身的发展,以点带面,带动全村群众共同发展;二是农户家中有一定的经济条件,发展潜力良好,能起积极的带头示范作用,同时具有一定的号召力、影响力。(2)畜种选择主要品种为贵州黑山羊。选择80户具有一定发展优势的农户进行规划和养殖,实行以放养为主,圈养为辅。在饲养过程中不使用有机饲料,以生态养殖为主,向绿色食品方向发展。(3)养殖模式 采取滚动发展方式,项目具体由乡畜牧站负责,组织和指导养殖户购买种养、生产母羊,养殖户与乡畜牧站签订养殖合同,由

43、养殖户具体放养,管理。农户发现羊有疾病时,必须在12小时之内上报乡畜牧站,由乡畜牧兽医站技术人员上门诊治,如未及时上报病情造成羊只死亡的,损失由养殖户承担;羊只丢失的,应由养殖户承担全部损失。乡畜牧站随时跟踪服务,及时做好各项统计工作,以重点扶持户为基础,滚动发展,不断扶持黑山羊养殖户,做大做强黑山羊养殖产业。每年春秋两季进行集中防疫,新生羔羊根据需要补防,主要防疫种类有:羊痘,羊四联苗,口蹄疫,羊传染性胸膜肺炎等。第四章 项目投资估算一、投资估算重点扶持80户,总体项目投资40万元(其中购买种羊、生产母羊共需20万元;圈舍改造800平方米共需20万元),每户拟投放种羊1只,生产母羊4只,圈舍

44、改造10。据此,投资估算如下:种羊80只900元/只=7.2万元生产母羊320只400元/只=12.8万元圈舍改造800250元/=20万元二、资金筹措 本项目资金合计40万元,争取县国土资源局帮扶资金20万元,农户自筹圈舍改造资金20万元(注:不包括群众投工投劳)。第五章 组织管理一、组织管理为了组织好定新乡堡堡寨村黑山羊重点养殖户扶持项目,定新乡党委、政府成立以乡长为组长,分管农业工作的领导为副组长,乡畜牧站等相关站所负责人为成员的项目领导小组,负责项目可行性研究报告的编写、审稿任务,协调与上级部门之间的关系及项目资金的争取和落实。二、项目管理 为了管理好定新乡堡堡寨村黑山羊重点养殖户扶持

45、项目,拟成立以乡人民政府乡长为组长,分管农业工作的领导为副组长,乡畜牧站等相关站所负责人为成员的项目实施和管理小组,保证项目的顺利进行。项目实施小组成立后,制定了相关工作细则。项目实施和管理小组工作细则: 1、组织相关单位和技术人员到实地调查研究,实事求是收集有关详细资料,并对项目区的社会经济状况及今后发展目标作认真分析。2、建立项目建设法人制,公示制,使项目建设公开化,公正化,提高透明度,自觉接受群众和舆论监督。3、建立项目区群众投工投劳方式及保障制度。4、制定项目资金管理使用办法。5、做好项目横级管理,健全各种项目档案。三、资金管理项目资金统一建立财政专户,由项目实施组管理使用,项目实施领


47、对专项资金的监督管理,并将资金使用情况定期向群众张榜公布,自觉接受社会和群众的监督.具体办法如下: 1、组成业务素质高,管理能力强的资金管理班子。2、采购管理小组思想统一,互不扯皮,互不推诿。3、采购种羊、生产母羊要保证质量,一旦出现任何失误追究小组责任。4、采购时领导小组以举手表决或无记名投票形式决定所议事项。5、帐务实行公开、公示制,资金实行报帐制。6、项目资金做到日清月结,帐帐相符,帐表相符,帐实相符。第六章 效益分析及市场预测一、社会效益通过该项目的实施,可改变该村产业结构单一,经济发展缓慢现状;将促进该村土地资源合理利用和闲置地的开发利用,改变畜牧业发展现状;推进该村畜牧业向产业化、

48、规模化方向发展,解决劳动就业问题,增加群众收入,加快该村脱贫致富进程。同时,可为市场提供优质的肉羊,满足人们的物质生活需求。为推进社会主义新农村建设提供坚实的物质基础。二、经济效益在政府的引导下,利用独特的气候和丰富的荒山荒坡资源,大力发展养羊业,每年可为群众直接增加收入4.8万元,即户均增收600元,人均增收137 元,有利于培育成为全乡的重要产业,不断拓宽群众增收致富渠道。三、生态效益该项目实施后,可为农作物提供大量的农家肥,杜绝乱铲土皮烧灰现象,对于保护森林资源和预防森林火灾有着极积的作用。同时,可开发荒山荒坡种草养畜,有效防止水土流失,保护生态平衡,促使生态良性循环。四、市场预测该项目建成后,能为市场提供优质肉羊,解决肉羊市场紧缺问题,从近期和长期看,不愁市场销路,市场前景是较好的。而且能为贫困群众增加收入,是贫困群众脱贫致富的一条好路子。12robot, she felt alarmed. His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his fa


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