


1、名校名 推荐 必修五unit 3 .单词拼写 1 His novels are a_( 工具 )for his political views. 答案: vehicle 2 This is a_( 非公开的 )club.No entry without being invited. 答案: private 3 On her way home , the 。

2、名校名 推荐 Unit3 A healthy life 每课一练(人教版选修 6) .品句填词 A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 1 He felt they had _( 滥用,妄用 ) his trust by talking about him to the press. 答案: abused 2 As the supply of food ran out。

3、名校名 推荐 检测课时达标 . 单项填空 1. You will see this product _ wherever you go. A. to be advertisedB. advertised C. advertiseD. advertising 2. Do you think you could get this parcel _ for me,。

4、名校名 推荐 Unit3 Life in the future 课时跟踪训练(人教版必修 5) .品句填词 A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 1 I don t know how you can _( 忍受 ) the noise.It s so loud and unpleasant. 答案: tolerate 2 We should try to _。

5、名校名 推荐 Unit1 Art 课时跟踪训练(人教版选修 6) .品句填词 A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。 1 The money was collected for a _( 特定的 )purpose. 答案: specific 2The magazine is intended to _( 吸引 ) to working wome。

6、名校名 推荐 .句型 1 She was on the point of leaving when I arrived. Shewhen I arrived. 答案: was about to leave 2 There was no bus, so we had to walk home. There, we had to walk home. 答案: being no bu。

7、名校名 推荐 请用方框内短语的适当形式完成下列句子。 concentrate on;depend on;accuse . of;ahead of; cover a story; keep in mind; stop . from; look forward to 1. If you don tyour work, you ll losethe job sooner or late。

8、名校名 推荐 Unit 3 Life in the future过去分词作状语试题 下面这两个句子分别在第一、二单元出现过, 注意观察划线部分的过去分词作什么成分。 1. But he became inspired when he thoughtabouthelping ordinary peopleexposed to cholera. (P2) 2. Worried about th。

9、名校名 推荐 高二年级英语学科第五册第一单元 单词练习 班 _ 姓名 _ 一写出下列 的 意思及 性. 1. defeat_ 2. expert _ 3. physician_ 4. deadly _ 5. cure _。

10、名校名 推荐 Unit 1Art同步测试(人教版选修六) . 速 A识记单词 1_ (adj.) 抽象的;深奥的 (n.) 摘要 2_ (n.) 目 ;目的 (vi. & v t.) 瞄准; (向某方向 )努力 3_ (adj.) 明 的;明白的 4_ (v t.) 采用;采 ;收养 5_ (adj.) 荒 的。

11、名校名 推荐 unit3 a healthy life课时练习人教版选修 6 .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1The president was _ to hear the _ result on Monday.(disappoint) 2This medicine can _ the function of another.(weak) 3When。

12、名校名 推荐 Unit 5 The power of nature 单元知识点练习 多项选择 1. I appreciate your hard work and intelligence , but I can t _ that you ll be admitted into a key university. A prepare B transform C guarantee D。

13、名校名 推荐 必修 5 Unit 4 短语归纳配套练习 一、单项填空。 1. Anne couldnt concentrate _ what she was doing while her family were watching TV. A. toB. onC. forD. in 2. The manager _ one of the hotel workers o。

14、名校名 推荐 Unit 4Global warming 同步测试(人 教版选修 6) .单词速记 A识记单词 1_ (adj.) 胡乱的;任意的 2_ (n.) 种类;范围 3_ (v i.) 看一下;扫视 (n.) 一瞥 4_ (adj.) 分布广的;普遍的 5_ (adj.) 平均的 6_ (v t.。

15、名校名 推荐 Unit 1 Great scientists 单元知识点练习 多项选择 1. Ann seems to be upset.Whats up? She_from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores. AincludesB concludes C sugges。

16、来源:Z+xx+k.Com 名校名 推荐 I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. It is known to us that they _ ( 贡献 ) to the development of comp uters in our country. 2. We love the performance of _ 烟(火 ) at N。

17、名校名 推荐 Unit 2 Poems基础练习新人教版选修 6 . 知 1 He is giving her French lessons in _ for her teaching him English. A. place B. turn C. exchange D. change 答案与解析 C 句意:他教她法 的目的是 了她教他英 。 in exchange f。

18、名校名 推荐 Unit 2Poems Period OneWarming Up & Reading ( ) 基础落实 .课文理解 1 What does the passage mainly talk about? It s about. A the development of English poems B the future of English poems C all。

19、名校名 推荐 Unit 3 Life in the future单元过关训练 (新人教版高中英语选修5) . 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 take up; lose sight of; sweep up; slide into; speed up; be back on onesimilarto; s feet; be the instant 1. The man stood at th。

标签 > 高中英语日记[编号:692083]
