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1、新人教版九年级unit 3必背词组及句子必背词组1.get some money _2.save some money _3.change some money _4.get /buy some magazines /a newspaper /some stamps /a pair of shoes _5.get some information _6.ask for some information politely _7.go along / downuntil/ till _8.go east along this street_9.on the right /left of someb

2、ody = on ones right / left _10.turn left /right at the second crossing _11.take the second turning on the left /right _12.go past / by = walk past /by = pass / pass by_13.start with_14.start doing something = start to do something _15.go on a new ride _-16._ 赶快,加油17._ 饿了18.one the way to=on ones way

3、 to _-19._摇滚乐队20._ 向 走去e a little earlier to get a table _22.the Italian restaurant nearby = the nearby Italian restaurant _(注意nearby的用法)23._ 劳驾/打扰一下24._对不起, 请再说一次25.mail a letter= post a letter _26.in the shopping center_27.the Fine Arts Museum _28.a foreign country_-29.an underground parking lot _

4、-30._较不有礼貌31._-礼貌得多32.a very direct question _-33.e-mail address _-34._ 花时间做某事35.spend time on something_36._-引出municate better with other people _38._在Main and Center Streets 的交界处39._-在的拐角处(外面)40._在的角落里(里面)41.in a rush = in a hurry_42.winter clothes_43.meet someone for the first time _-44._好的选择45._

5、作选择(巩固内容)46._制定计划(巩固内容)47._-作决定(巩固内容)48._取得进步(巩固内容)49._做鬼脸(巩固内容)50._犯错误(巩固内容)51._- 许愿(巩固内容)52._-打电话(巩固内容)53._制造噪声(巩固内容)54._下定决心(巩固内容)55._取得重大成就(巩固内容)必背句式1.Excuse me, / Pardon me, do you know where_ _ _some medicine? 劳驾,你知道在哪里可以买到药吗?2.Could you please tell me how_ _ to the post office? = Could you pl

6、ease tell me how I can get to the post office?你能告诉我怎样才能到邮局吗? 3.Could you tell us when the band_ _ this evening?请告诉我们乐队今晚什么时候开始表演吗?4.Can you tell me where_ _a good place to eat?你能告诉我哪儿有吃东西的好地方吗?5.I wonder where_ _ _ next.我想知道接下来我们该到什么地方。必背句子1.You dont need_ _! 你没必要太急。2.I was scared _ _, but shouting_

7、 help. 起先我害怕,但是大声吼有很大的作用。3.It serves_ _. 它(指餐馆)提供美味的食物。4.Its_ _ _ how to ask for help politely.知道怎样礼貌地求助很重要。5.Its_ _ _ just ask a question correctly.只是很直接地问问题还不够。6.Its_ _ to ask direct questions to your classmates because you know them well.很直接地问你的同学的问题就行了,因为你对他们很了解。7.Its might seem _ _ to speak pol

8、itely _ directly. 礼貌地说看来可能比直接地说更难。8.However, it is important to learn how to use the right language_ _ _.然而,学会怎样根据不同的情景使用合适的语言却很重要。9.The expressions they use might _ _ whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.他们所使用的表情取决于他们和谁说话,或他们彼此之间有多了解。体验定语从句1.the course you will study _-2.the way they speak _3.the expressions they use _


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