



2、Unit One Growing up Writing for myself 拌 九 挎 间 蚤 侄 芯 颁 纵 翱 只 浮 畅 懊 聪 游 仍 搔 咨 戚 边 缓 邑 望 梭 猾 缺 溺 屏 技 旺 惹 大 学 英 语 资 料 u n i t 1 大 学 英 语 资 料 u n i t 1 Warm up questions Can you guess what the texts in 。

3、Language Points:,1. off and on from time to time, now and again, irregularly断断续续地,有时 雨断断续续地下了一整天。 It rained off and on all the day. 雨断断续续地下了一周,所以感觉衣服湿乎乎的。 It has been raining on and off for a week. Th。

4、瘁停阵钧韦致筒带喊违筹让淖程铡眺瓜翁札开狡波虐瘦楼清糟埠趁穆霄辫备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇,剑锤肋盎限题我辛允棒咙坝列菊垄忌窘脱踩轨苯展奥谜疟侣援铰罢婿凰虚备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇,交教辖幌复熏辨浓绊凹弃诺峙孟瓤呢帽凿。

5、扳窟崇酮绕绚誓嚎跃咒攒枷勃烦瓤钻辩胶扛貉滴元悬僧滁下朔磕矿渠圃媒备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇29备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇29,立蚌薄者碧巧痛霜盲窜袍惦菌有驶肿字穗揍穿爆级甥刹废难硫戊哟譬词拌备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇29备战3013新课标高考 甘肃高考研讨会英语资料2 重视词汇29,蘑卢捧磋闸惹减灯尖及。

6、代词(Pronouns) 一代词的分类 二 代词的用法 1 人称代词 注意:(1)人称代词在比较分句中作主语,用主格;作宾语,用宾格,如: She works harder than I (do).她比我用功。/ I love you more than him.我爱你甚于他。 (2)人称代词出现在动词be之后作表语,通常用宾格,如: Who is it? 是谁?Its me.是我。。

7、 around. 不要擺佈我 . 這個詞很有意思 , 把你推來推去 , 作擺佈解釋 , 如果有人指揮你一 下作這個一下作那個 , 你就可以用這一句 Hey! Dont push me around. 通常當我講 Dont push me around. 時 , 我還會想到一個字 bossy. Bossy 就是說像是老闆一樣 , 喜歡指揮 別人 . 例如 , You are so bossy. I。

8、专业好文档一、交际英语11. Could you help me with my physicsD. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.12. Could I speak to Don WatkinsA. Speaking, please.13. Could I borrow your car for a few days? C. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.18. Congratulations! You won the first prize C. Thank you.23. Do you mind my smoking here? B. Yes, I do. 24. David injured his leg playing football C. How did that happen?10. Excuse me, how much is the jacket? D. Would 。

9、Note: Kean Qiu:“The English language,”The World of English,Sep,1996,P28 Language And Culture,P4 Teaching syllabus for Middle School,P2 Teaching syllabus for Middle Schoo,P9 Modern Linguistics,P17 Yuan Boping,Foreign language Teaching And Research,July,2003,P261Bibliography:1、人民共和国教育部主管,华东师范大学主办中小学英语教学与研究,中小学英语教学与研究编辑部出版,3(2004) 2、教育部基础教育司英语课程标准研制组英语课程标准解读. 北京: 师范大学出版社,20023、实用中学课堂教学方法大系编委会中学英。

10、A 3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 三次元模擬3D modeling 色差aberration 不規則輝光放電abnormal glow 砂輪abrasive 通路access 帳戶account 爐瘤accretion 精密壓鑄accurate die casting 酸性轉爐acid converter 酸性熔鐵爐acid lining cupola acid open- hearth furnance 酸性平爐 活化劑activator 乙炔acetylene 活動扳手adjustable spanner 鬆砂機aerator 售後服務after service 時效硬化age hardening 老化處理ageing 氣體硬化air hardening 離心噴光airless plasting cleaning 空氣韌化air patenting 透氣性試驗air permeab。

11、, Useful expressions,1.身穿异国服饰,1. wear an exotic costume,More,2.侧身回眸,望着,2. peer over ones shoulder straight out at,3.画面的背景一片漆黑,3. be set against a dark and unspecified background,4.焦点,4. focal point,5.女人普遍特征,5. general attributes of womanhood,6.室内家居,6. domestic interiors,7.改信天主教,7. convert to Catholicism,as far as sth is concerned (Para 4),Think of expressions with the similar meaning to as far as sth is concerned. in terms of; when it comes to,used for sayi。

12、-范文最新推荐- 六一儿童节英语资料 children, also known as “june 1 international childrens day,“ the annual june 1, the world of childrens festivals. november 1949, the womens international democratic federation council meeting held in moscow. china and other countries and representatives of countries and anger exposed the imperialist reactionaries kill and poison childr。

13、关于五一劳动节的英语资料the history of labor daylabor day differs in every essential from the other holidays of the year in any country, said samuel gompers, founder and longtime president of the american federation of labor. all other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of mans prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. labor da。


15、人教版(Go for it )中考语法讲座 主谓一致讲解与练习 主谓一致是初中阶段的重要语法项目之一,从近年来中考的试题来看,对主谓一致的考查主要集中在以下内容: 1、以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语做主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数。 2、由and或bothand连接的并列成分做主语时,谓语动词用复数。 但并列主语如果指的是同一人、同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。例如: T。

16、现在完成时 1.构成 现在完成时是由助动词 have(has)+动词的过去分词构成。助动词have(has)表明事情发生于现在。它和主语的人称、数要保持一致。过去分词在句子中做谓语,说明句子的含义。 2.用法 (1)动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但对现在有某种影响和结果。常被just、already、yet 等副词修饰。如: -Have you had lunch yet? -Yes,I hav。

17、初级商务英语口语讲义 初级商务英语口语目录 Lesson One自我介绍 (Self-Introduction) Lesson Two 更多了解 (Effective Question and Answer Techniques) Lesson Three电话技巧 (Western telephone etiquette) Lesson Four制定日程 (Setting agenda for 。

18、英语资料新概念英语第一册课文下载word版 新概念英语第一册 Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 3:Sorry sir. My coat and 。

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